I once received an infraction which read, "No baiting and being intentionally offensive in the Religion forum." I guess its OK now what with the proliferation of both the hyper religious & anti religion nut jobs in this forum. Keep up the entertainment you silly twits.
Everyone has baited and been intentionally offensive in the religion forum, so I'm not sure why you got an infraction. Someone must have whined to board mommy.
You overuse the word "twits". You have few alternate words. That's an odd word..seldom used by others. Why do you think you do that? Lack of imagination?..limited grasp of the language?...
Bill, that's just me being polite. If I was describing you I would use the term, "asswipe".
Given your obviously very limited intelligence, that's an impressive expansion of your lexicon, I must say.![]()
You're too easily impressed, which doesn't lessen the fact that IRL you're still an asswipe.
If you think you know me IRL..then by all means, stop on by for a beer. A lot of people on this forum who actually do know me IRL have.
lol! Even asswipes have friends.
Do yours help you keep your bong going in your mom's basement? Stop by. Please.
lol! No way, I understand you're a Bud Lite aficionado.