rolling risk?


New Member


Ahhhh Florida!
When I first started watching it, I thought that poor horse was dead. I am glad he was just stuck upside down. :yahoo: We have green grass spouting down here in FL. Yeah! Spring is coming. This winter has been rough. Our Orange trees didn't make it. :(


New Member
THANK YOU, THANK YOU to the person that posted the above video. I suffer from a severe case of Murphy's Law and this happened to me! I was so thankful I actually opened the video and watched it, or even checked the forum last week (serendipity at its finest).
As I was putting horses in the field, my older guy went to roll while I was getting the next horse. When I got back, he was flat on his back and not moving. At first I thought the worse but when I called to him, he moved his legs slightly. I can only guess he was thinking of how to get himself out of the mess. I had to dig him out though. The snow was still 2-3 ft in that area and had started to pack to ice. When he went down to roll, he made an ice cocoon while on his back and couldn't move. Poor thing is blind in one eye too and the blind side was up. He was such a good, calm boy. He stayed very still while I dug a 2ft trench around him so he could roll himself upright.
Thanks again to the poster because it saved me some serious anxiety since I immediately knew what was wrong.
Keep an eye on your younger and older horses that may not have the strength to break through the ice topped snow in the fields if they lie down.


RIP Quinn
this makes me really sad. My boarders horse was lost to a colic twist last week and although he wasn't stuck like this out in the field, i have to wonder if just the fact of rolling in such deep snow made him more susceptible to it. rip Indy. we miss you.


Persimmon Creek Farm
this makes me really sad. My boarders horse was lost to a colic twist last week and although he wasn't stuck like this out in the field, i have to wonder if just the fact of rolling in such deep snow made him more susceptible to it. rip Indy. we miss you.

:howdy:Four Leaf, Im so sorry! RIP Indy


New Member
Four Leaf: I'm so sad for your boarder's horse. After I dug my guy out, I had to sit on the fence for awhile to calm down. The stress of knowing what could have happened had I not been home hit me. While I sat and cried, my horse came over and nuzzled my ears, face, hands, and hair. He didn't leave my side until I was ready to go, even though the others were eating his hay. I know he knew too ....


New Member
this makes me really sad. My boarders horse was lost to a colic twist last week and although he wasn't stuck like this out in the field, i have to wonder if just the fact of rolling in such deep snow made him more susceptible to it. rip Indy. we miss you.

My heart is still breaking. Thank you for all that you did for him. He was so happy with you.


RIP Quinn
i'm not used to him not being here. his trademark nicker at every feeding is still so clear in my mind. Dan and i miss him. i'm so so sorry he's gone.. he was a good guy.:bawl: