Rolling Stones have the answers...


Well-Known Member
Shut up and sing....

I read that and was resigned to the fact that every notable star seems to be a genius of geopolitical/military management.

I believe that Mick and the crew are walking testimonies of the wonders of medical science: Why are they still alive? have they been to the Lenin Institute in Russia to study preservation techniques?

STDs, Drug damage, Tobacco use,...etc.
They truly are amazing!
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Asperger's Poster Child
I suspect the Stones are just trying to be politically trendy, which is pathetic.

They used to be great at acknowledging new musical trends without changing their basic sound. "Do Do Do Heartbreaker" is a nod to funk, "Shattered" is the Stones' version of punk, and "Miss You" has a disco feel. But their lyrics have never been obviously political before, except as rebellion against authority.

Maybe "Sympathy for the Devil" can be considered political, since it mentions the Romanovs and the Kennedys:

Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man's soul and faith

And I was 'round when Jesus Christ
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that Pilate
Washed his hands and sealed his fate

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game

I stuck around St. Petersburg
When I saw it was a time for a change
Killed the czar and his ministers
Anastasia screamed in vain

I rode a tank
Held a general's rank
When the blitzkrieg raged
And the bodies stank

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name, oh yeah
Ah, what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah

I watched with glee
While your kings and queens
Fought for ten decades
For the gods they made

I shouted out,
"Who killed the Kennedys?"
When after all
It was you and me

Let me please introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
And I laid traps for troubadours
Who get killed before they reached Bombay

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But what's confusing you
Is just the nature of my game

Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me Lucifer
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint

So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse
Or I'll lay your soul to waste, um yeah

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, um yeah
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, um mean it, get down

Tell me baby, what's my name
Tell me honey, can ya guess my name
Tell me baby, what's my name
I tell you one time, you're to blame

What's my name
Tell me, baby, what's my name
Tell me, sweetie, what's my name


Super Genius
Hessian said:
I believe that Mick and the crew are walking testimonies of the wonders of medical science: Why are they still alive? have they been to the Lenin Institute in Russia to study preservation techniques?

STDs, Drug damage, Tobacco use,...etc.
They truly are amazing!

"Keith Richards says that kids should not do drugs. Keith, we can do any drugs because you already f'n did them all! We have to wait for you to die and smoke your ashes!" - Dennis Leary


Asperger's Poster Child
ylexot said:
"Keith Richards says that kids should not do drugs. Keith, we can do any drugs because you already f'n did them all! We have to wait for you to die and smoke your ashes!" - Dennis Leary
:lol: These days, Keith looks like something out of a George Romero movie. I suspect that he's a rock 'n' roll vampire--the only way he'll die is if someone drives the neck of a Stratocaster through his heart.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
:lol: These days, Keith looks like something out of a George Romero movie. I suspect that he's a rock 'n' roll vampire--the only way he'll die is if someone drives the neck of a Stratocaster through his heart.
So, to re-iterate - we should take what this man says about Iraq SERIOUSLY?

When it comes to Keith - IF YOU CAN EVEN UNDERSTAND HIM - it's probably a safe bet that the intelligent view is the exact opposite of what he espouses.


Super Genius
Tonio said:
:lol: These days, Keith looks like something out of a George Romero movie. I suspect that he's a rock 'n' roll vampire--the only way he'll die is if someone drives the neck of a Stratocaster through his heart.
Did you know that Johnny Depp studied him for the Captain Jack Sparrow character in Pirates of the Carribean and he is supposed to be in the next one as Captain Jack Sparrow's father?

"Yes, but why is the rum gone?"
- Captain Jack Sparrow


Asperger's Poster Child
SamSpade said:
So, to re-iterate - we should take what this man says about Iraq SERIOUSLY?
Oh, hell no. I was suggesting that Mick and Keith don't have strong political opinions, and are deliberately trying to be controversial just to generate publicity. They didn't seem to care about politics for 40 years, so why are they starting now? It's not much different from Madonna's calculated outrageousness.

I call it pathetic because even when these guys generated headlines with their hedonistic lifestyles, the music was always what mattered. They haven't made a decent album of new songs since Dirty Work almost 20 years ago. Maybe the muscle that creates great rock music stops working at age 40 or so.

In general, I think it's a bad idea for any musical performer to be overtly political, whether it's a lefty like Springsteen or a righty like Toby Keith. I agree with you that no one takes them seriously. I think Bob Dylan had the right approach--he focused on social rather than political issues, and used metaphors in his lyrics. Whether you agreed or disagreed with him, he got people to listen to him. I think if the Stones try including "How Come You're So Wrong, My Sweet Neo-Con" in their live set, they're just going to get laughed off the stage.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
I think if the Stones try including "How Come You're So Wrong, My Sweet Neo-Con" in their live set, they're just going to get laughed off the stage.
Does no one on the planet actually KNOW WHAT A NEO-CON is?

It p!sses me off, really. It's used interchangeably with "the conservatives we mostly disagree with". You know, the really outrageous ones.

It's used sneeringly - as an insult. Those - neeeeeeo-cons.

What's weird is, if they KNEW what actual neo-cons are - newly minted conservatives, from the ranks of liberals, who tend to look to government FOR their solutions - they might be less at odds with them than old style conservatives.

If these twits really want to know what a neo-con is, they should read The Weekly Standard or Bill Kristol's columns.