Romney for Prez?


Super Genius
Romney to announce he won't seek re-election
Governor Mitt Romney will announce at 6 p.m. that he will not seek re-election to a second term, setting the stage for an expected campaign for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination, a senior aide to the governor said today.
I don't really know much about him, but what it says in the article sounds interesting...
The 58-year-old businessman, son of former Michigan Gov. George Romney, has spent less than three years in elective office, but in that time the state has closed a $3 billion budget deficit without raising taxes, schools have scored first in national math and science tests and Romney held out until the Legislature gave him a tough new drunken driving law he demanded.


Good guy but I am not sure the country is ready for a Chief Executive named "Mitt". WTF were his parents thinking :lmao:


I bowl overhand
Nope, not going to happen.. He gave Kennedy a run for his money (was set to win the election), then Kennedy pulled the "I'm a Catholic, what are you?" card, portrayed Mitt as a Racist and a Cultist because he didn't belong to a "Mainstream" religion. And we all know how good Christians are at accepting people with different beliefs, even though MORMONS ARE Christians too.


Lem Putt
itsbob said:
Nope, not going to happen.. He gave Kennedy a run for his money (was set to win the election), then Kennedy pulled the "I'm a Catholic, what are you?" card, portrayed Mitt as a Racist and a Cultist because he didn't belong to a "Mainstream" religion. And we all know how good Christians are at accepting people with different beliefs, even though MORMONS ARE Christians too.

As someone who was raised Mormon, I would only vote for one if he were up against Billary, Kerry, or Gore. Mormons are racist and cultist, just like Catholics, so I don't know who Drunk Teddy thinks he is to speak up.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
Mormons are racist and cultist
Well, you might as well start learning to say "President Romney" then because this will win him the Leftist vote, the urban black vote and the Hollywood vote. Shrillary better start boning up on her Kabbalah and Scientology if she wants to stay in the running.


New Member
I find it difficult to believe that substantial numbers of people in the GOP will accept as their presidential candidate a man who has only been in elective office for four years and is currently trailing badly in potential reelection battles. Plus, remember Romney had to win in Massachusetts as a Republican; I'm sure that he's said and taken some not so liberal stances in the past (though he has moved to the right on many social issues recently in order to bone up for a presidential run).

He could make a run for it, but I see Romney as being like John Edwards...too little experience and a probable loser if he runs for reelection in his home state. Just my view of it.

And vrai, if you are looking for a governor look to Barbour of Mississippi or someone along those lines.


Lem Putt
rraley said:
I find it difficult to believe that substantial numbers of people in the GOP will accept as their presidential candidate a man who has only been in elective office for four years and is currently trailing badly in potential reelection battles. Plus, remember Romney had to win in Massachusetts as a Republican; I'm sure that he's said and taken some not so liberal stances in the past (though he has moved to the right on many social issues recently in order to bone up for a presidential run).

He could make a run for it, but I see Romney as being like John Edwards...too little experience and a probable loser if he runs for reelection in his home state. Just my view of it.

And vrai, if you are looking for a governor look to Barbour of Mississippi or someone along those lines.

It's kind of an oxymoron. Mormons are a real mix of left and right. They believe in charity, helping your fellow man, and a society that comes close to socialism. However, they also (with good reason) distrust the federal government and want autonomy. They also tend to be capitalists and reject federal welfare. I don't see how a Mormon could survive the press that a candicacy would produce.


New Member
MMDad, while I see where you are coming from, I don't think that Romney's positioning as a Mormon will reflect completely in all of his political stances. There are liberal Mormons, conservative Mormons, and moderates, so I don't know. To typecast Romney as X because of his religion probably isn't completely fitting.

For instance, I'm a Roman Catholic, but there are certainly times where my political stances probably wouldn't fit into Church doctrine and I'm sure that that is the case for others as well.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
rraley said:
MMDad, while I see where you are coming from, I don't think that Romney's positioning as a Mormon will reflect completely in all of his political stances. There are liberal Mormons, conservative Mormons, and moderates, so I don't know. To typecast Romney as X because of his religion probably isn't completely fitting.

For instance, I'm a Roman Catholic, but there are certainly times where my political stances probably wouldn't fit into Church doctrine and I'm sure that that is the case for others as well.
It really has less to do with where he actually stands then where the religion stands. I was raised mormon too and MMDad is right when he says they are varied. However, most people are so weirded out by a religion that has it's own book, all the opposition would have to do is state his religion and win. It worked back home for a Superintendant election or something like that.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
willie said:
Republican or not, the fact that Massachusetts elected him, bothers me.
Nah. It's hardly the first liberal state to vote in a Republican governor - or the first time Massachusetts has done so.

It follows a basic pattern of the American voter - you want YOUR representative to fight for you - to be a feel-good softie - but you want the executive to be a hard-azz. Same with your work - you want *your* boss to be a nice guy - but to ensure the security of the company, you PRAY the BIG boss is a real sonofa#####.

That's why even blue states vote for Republicans as governor.


Well-Known Member
Bustem' Down said:
I'm not saying a flat out NO. The article in this mornings Post was very positive in a conservatives view but that is all I know of him. Massachussetts can produce some real losers.


New Member
Since Michael Dukakis, Massachusetts has elected Republican governors. I think that it's been something like 20 years since a Democrat has been in the Massachusetts' statehouse. A big reason for that is because of the large majorities of Democrats there are in the legislature in Massachusetts and the fact that many in that state would like for there to be a check on that legislature with a Republican governor.

This time around, however, polls suggest that the Democrats in Massachusetts may actually win the governor's mansion.


Well-Known Member
rraley said:
A big reason for that is because of the large majorities of Democrats there are in the legislature in Massachusetts and the fact that many in that state would like for there to be a check on that legislature with a Republican governor.

This time around, however, polls suggest that the Democrats in Massachusetts may actually win the governor's mansion.

Voters, in general, do not think that deep. How can they repeatedly send Kerry and Teddy to Washington but elect a Repub Governor? His competition must have had some serious problems.