Ron DeSantis for Prez?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I say nope. He should remain Governor for a second term, THEN run for President. He's only 43, he has plenty of time.

Plus I like him in my state, up close and personal. He doesn't do me any good in the White House grappling with the Congresstards, he benefits me more by making the state I live in awesome.

And I definitely don't want him to be VP, I think that would be a waste of his talents. VP is the person you choose in order to pick up a demographic or lend you credibility, not because they're an integral part of your administration. If they're not too big a goober and you don't eff it up too bad they can go on to the Big Job, but that really doesn't happen that often. The last one was George Bush in '88.


Well-Known Member
Yes he is young and he has plenty of time---------but do we.?
We need someone with Conservative beliefs who can bring Republicans together.
Trump was a good President, but he cannot bring Republicans together.
They are all too jealous of his success without them.

Now admittedly there are some republicans like Collins, Romney and Cheney who don't need to be brought together, they need to be tossed in the garbage can.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
We need someone with Conservative beliefs who can bring Republicans together.

That's not gonna happen unless the fascist Republicans gain power and force out any true conservatives. Then the Republican Party will be united. But you are never going to get the Mitt Romneys and the Susan Collinses and the Liz Cheneys and the Adam Kinsingers to align with the patriots - they make WAY too much money and enjoy WAY too much power to knuckle under now. They are WAY too compromised.

Trump couldn't bring the GOP together because the overlords would never ever side with him. They wanted it their way, the end, and they have never given two chits about the American people.

DeSantis will have the exact same problem unless he goes to the dark side and joins them.


Well-Known Member
As I mentioned before those Republicans you mentioned need to be removed from any office they hold.


Well-Known Member
I say nope. He should remain Governor for a second term, THEN run for President. He's only 43, he has plenty of time.

Plus I like him in my state, up close and personal. He doesn't do me any good in the White House grappling with the Congresstards, he benefits me more by making the state I live in awesome.

And I definitely don't want him to be VP, I think that would be a waste of his talents. VP is the person you choose in order to pick up a demographic or lend you credibility, not because they're an integral part of your administration. If they're not too big a goober and you don't eff it up too bad they can go on to the Big Job, but that really doesn't happen that often. The last one was George Bush in '88.
Don't be so greedy! Share him with all of us:yahoo:


Well-Known Member
Well, they're not going to be, so now what?
Well if we had leadership, none of them would get any chairmanships or party money and would be shunned.
But of course we also have McCarthy and McConnell and neither is much better then the mentioned MFer's.


Well-Known Member
I say nope. He should remain Governor for a second term, THEN run for President. He's only 43, he has plenty of time.

Plus I like him in my state, up close and personal. He doesn't do me any good in the White House grappling with the Congresstards, he benefits me more by making the state I live in awesome.

And I definitely don't want him to be VP, I think that would be a waste of his talents. VP is the person you choose in order to pick up a demographic or lend you credibility, not because they're an integral part of your administration. If they're not too big a goober and you don't eff it up too bad they can go on to the Big Job, but that really doesn't happen that often. The last one was George Bush in '88.
The progs are losing their individual and collective minds over it, though, so worth it.


Well-Known Member


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Who's the best candidate then, should Trump choose not to run?

Nobody. Trump was our last chance and we blew it. We allowed the Democrats to take over the narrative and now they have supreme control over us. Anybody worth a chit isn't going to want to face the onslaught Trump did, and they aren't going to win anyway - We the People are way too indoctrinated; little wussies who faint over mean tweets and demand that one man prevail against the whole freaking country like the rapaciousness of the Left is somehow his fault.

DeSantis would be a fool to put his family through that. ANY Republican would be a fool to do that. His wife and young children getting death threats every single day, prominent celebrities taking to the fiber optic cables to call them filthy names and attack them. What kind of idiot would do that? Hell, DeSantis's wife is raked regularly on Twitter now by those sociopaths and she's kept a low profile. She put out a tweet after her cancer treatment thanking her supporters, and the TwitBots attacked the living chit out of her, THEN the corporate media got in on the act.

And for what? So he can have his so-called supporters turn against him and rail about how mean he is and hurt poor widdle AOC's fee fees? That he should find a way to oppose these rabid animals with kindness and empathy?

AND! Let's not forget what the next President will be inheriting - Biden's ****ed up mess. He's going to have to gut the place on day 1 and you know they'll use the time between Nov and Jan to **** it up even more. Who wants to buy a house when the previous owners have literally destroyed it and made it uninhabitable? AND when your so-called friends will be all, "Tut tut, look at that house he lives in, ugh"?

AND! If you think Trump was mean, meet Christina Pushaw. That is DeSantis' Press Secretary, and she is on fire grappling with the Marxists. You all have indicated that you don't like it when anyone is mean to Democrats and calls them what they are, so you're gonna hate her guts.

So yep - another 4 years of Biden, then Kamala for 8, then it will be AOC's turn and maybe by then we won't even have to have elections anymore - they can just decide for us.

And we'll never have to see mean old Donald Trump's tweets again. Yay!

In the meantime, keep your hands off my Governor. You Hogan lovers don't appreciate him anyway and would just turn against him when the TV people tell you to. Make better choices and you can have good leadership too, but don't be trying to poach my good choices and **** it up for me.

the end sun GIF


Well-Known Member
I don't know that Trump is the answer for 2024, even though I would certainly vote for him. DeSantis is a great pick (right now) because he has the balls, like Trump, to stand up to the media and I believe he has the strength and political capital to be respected by Republicans and Independents, voters and politicians. They can't attack him on the same facts that they attacked Trump on, he is already a politician. IF he could run a campaign as clean as Youngkin, accepting Trumps endorsement, but not using him or mentioning him, he could have a shot.

Clearly, there are still a lot of people that HATE Trump, no matter how much better they were doing with him as president. That alone scares me. I'm just worried that if Trump runs, somehow it won't fly.

But, Trumps ego will undoubtedly get in the way. I don't see any way that he backs down from running.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Clearly, there are still a lot of people that HATE Trump, no matter how much better they were doing with him as president.
See, and I won't vote for anyone those tards support. They love them some deep state fascist overlords, and I do not. They loooooove the teleprompter readers of carefully crafted speeches designed to manipulate, and I hate those effers with a burning passion.

Also the Trump haters hate DeSantis as well, and for the same reasons - they aren't part of the gang and won't grease palms at the expense of the American people. They can't be bought.