Ron Paul is done.


No Use for Donk Twits
Interesting. He had a strange following.

For example:

Supporters have pushed for a speaking role for him at the Republican National Convention in September in St. Paul, Minn.

Paul has said he won't endorse Sen. John McCain, the likely GOP presidential nominee. Benton said that was unlikely to change.

They really think McCain will let Paul give a speech at the convention?


Computer Artist
Ron Paul brought a lot of new people to the libertarian movement. I had this fear that once they found out he was unlikely to win and may drop out, they would not know what to do after that- if Ron Paul isn't running, what are they going to do to promote freedom?
I really hope they find something to do.
Remember: getting into politics isn't the only way to promote freedom!


AKA Captain Awesome
Maybe now his supporters will shut the f*** up!! I actually didn't mind the guy, but his die-hard followers were the most annoying people on the internet. Somehow EVERY forum thread related to him in some way.

forum OP: Hey, my computer bluescreened with error code blah blah blah, does anyone know how to fix it?
forum replier: Did you update the video card drivers? Boot into safe mode blah blah blah...
Ron Paul Fanatic: RON PAUL 2008!! If you don't, then you don't believe in FREEDOM!!!1!!!!!one!!! Oh, and you should get a new computer. FREE MARKET WOO!!!1!!1!!!!!

It's really annoying.


In My Opinion
Maybe now his supporters will shut the f*** up!! I actually didn't mind the guy, but his die-hard followers were the most annoying people on the internet. Somehow EVERY forum thread related to him in some way.

forum OP: Hey, my computer bluescreened with error code blah blah blah, does anyone know how to fix it?
forum replier: Did you update the video card drivers? Boot into safe mode blah blah blah...
Ron Paul Fanatic: RON PAUL 2008!! If you don't, then you don't believe in FREEDOM!!!1!!!!!one!!! Oh, and you should get a new computer. FREE MARKET WOO!!!1!!1!!!!!

It's really annoying.
Ive never noticed that. you must post in different places,, or maybe you could just be making something up?