Roscoe Bartlett, 6th district...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Dear Congressman Bartlett,

I am writing to you today in regards to this port business. As I am sure you are getting quite a few messages, so I'll be brief;

I am strongly opposed to this and here is why;

This United Emirates group is government owned as I understand it! That is in contrast to the UK people who are selling it. I understand they are a business and that makes a world of difference to me.

I was appalled during the Clinton years when the Chinese government controlled entity got involved in buying control over US ports on the same grounds.

Therefore, I can NOT in good conscious give President Bush a pass on this issue though I do fully support our efforts in Iraq and most of his policies including taxes and attempts to fix the mess that is Social Security.

The President is arguing that actual security will not be at risk as we will retain control over that. Well, I'm sorry. Much of politics is symbolism and leadership on ideas, as you well know. The symbolism associated with foreign GOVERNMENT ownership and control over such a sensitive thing as a US seaport, especially in the times we live in, is just, well, madness.

Also, Tony Blair has been with us in our struggle against global Islamofascism. I can't name one person from the UAE who has been out front and vocally supportive of us and vocally opposed to homicidal maniacs. Plus, they have help us with NO boots on the ground.

If they can't be more public in their support for us because of how it might look in their region, I damn well can't be supportive of them buying up MY country.

I'm sorry I wasn't as brief as I meant to be but this is a big, big deal.

I would like you to strongly and carefully consider this issue, as you always do on any issue and let the President know he's wrong on this one.

Thank you very much for your service and your attention to this issue.

Larry Gude
Middletown, MD.