Rosie O'Donnell to marry girlfriend in San Francisco


Well-Known Member
Where is the entire unemployed crew of the Broadway flop on Boy George?...should they be there to cheer her on to new heights of absurdity?...Nothing like a 8.6 on the richter scale when you need it.

My Posting from another thread:
The wisdom of Rosie...
Her reaction to Bush...

"I think the actions of the president yesterday, which are, you know, in my opinion, the most vile and hateful words ever spoken by a single president in my opinion. I am stunned, and I am horrified," she said.

Two questions arise....
How much does Rosie know about history? By this quote..we see a vast chasm of ignorance.

Secondly...I can think of very few things that "Horrify me" but when confronted with a weak moral stand it horrifies her?
How would she respond to a burning at the stake?
How about the crucifixion of Christ...wouldn't that be horrifying?

Once again we see the inverted moral mindset...what would seem rational and reflecting of traditional values is horrifying to the perverted. And please remember she has been praised for her "courage" the courageous get "stunned" by a simple statement of rational thought?, but the cowardly might.
The inversion continues.

Fix Your....Bayonet!
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Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Hey, Let's get married, just because somebody says we can't :duh:

What a great way to make a mockery out of the whole institution of marriage. What a great way to make a sham out of the whole cause you profess to believe in.


Where are my pants?
I don't know about this one.....I mean, I'm against Gay Marriage---but Rosie is manlier than most males that I've ever met.

Maybe this one could be considered heterosexual marriage?



Would THIS face lie?
"Hey, Let's get married, just because somebody says we can't"

That'll show those Commies......

Bush scared Rosie into gettin hitched.....

I just love it !!!! :dance


New Member
Originally posted by Club'nBabySeals
I don't know about this one.....I mean, I'm against Gay Marriage---but Rosie is manlier than most males that I've ever met.

Maybe this one could be considered heterosexual marriage?


Rosie is FAT and UGLY... You must have mental problems if you like something like that...


Where are my pants?
Rosie is FAT and UGLY... You must have mental problems if you like something like that...

1. Yes. Rosie is FAT and debate there.
2. I do NOT like something like that. Beached whales aren't my preference (and neither are women, to be sure!)
3. And you're damn right---I do have mental problems...:crazy:

Any other slick observations?

(By the way, my comment about Rosie's marriage being classified as "heterosexual" was meant in jest---obviously springboarding off of the fact that she looks like a man.)