Rotator cuff surgery


Anyone had it? Looks like I'll soon be going under the knife and I would like to know what other's experiences were like in terms of recovery period and regaining strength and mobility. Thanks.

Candle Lover

New Member
My father had it 6 years ago, at the age of 70. He did very well with the surgery and his recovery period. He did everything he was supposed to do and did the exercises he was told to do. He was frustrated because it was difficult getting dressed. Dad was very happy with the results.


Well-Known Member
Anyone had it? Looks like I'll soon be going under the knife and I would like to know what other's experiences were like in terms of recovery period and regaining strength and mobility. Thanks.

I've known a few people at the gym that went through it.

One guy in particular didn't listen, after the surgery (a few weeks later) he kept hitting the weights even though it hurt and he screwed his shoulder up even more and it required another surgery.

From what I hear, rehab is painful and a slow process but it's the best road to recovery.


New Member
My husband had it. Very painful, very slow recovery. Took about a full year. But now can throw football and play golf with no problems!


New Member
I have had it. I have actually had 2 shoulder surgeries. You will not have much mobility for the first 2 weeks after surgery, but they will give you some minor exercises to do. Expect PT 3x/week after the first couple of weeks. Do everything they tell you to do and you will come out okay in the end, it just takes awhile.

If you have not already, I would suggest a second opinion. One of the docs down here wanted to do a surgery on my shoulder which, when I went to see another doc, said was very likely to cause nerve damage and would not have done much to improve my situation at the time. I did end up having another surgery (with the doc that gave me the 2nd opinion), but not until about 5 years later. The 2nd doc was able to manage it with meds. I saw a guy who is a big hoo-ha in the Hopkins Dept. of Shoulder Surgery and Sports Medicine. He's the best! PM me if you want his number. It was definitely worth the trip up there.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Anyone had it? Looks like I'll soon be going under the knife and I would like to know what other's experiences were like in terms of recovery period and regaining strength and mobility. Thanks.

...I am assuming this is final option, that you've tried physical therapy?

I thought I was gonna have to get cut and PT made me happy again. Shoulders still hurt and pop some but I got full range of motion back and the hurt ain't much.


Thanks for the replies. I've had two opinions, and yes, this is the final option. Physical therapy has not allieviated the pain nor increased mobility. It's been nearly four months now. Have trouble sleeping and it hurts like hell now! I am dealing with a doc out of an Annapolis practice that I have confidence in. My therapist even said he was good and she sends her patients there. Don't want to mention names, but the group is Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine with offices in Annapolis, Bowie, and Millersville. Any scoop on them???


New Member
Thanks for the replies. I've had two opinions, and yes, this is the final option. Physical therapy has not allieviated the pain nor increased mobility. It's been nearly four months now. Have trouble sleeping and it hurts like hell now! I am dealing with a doc out of an Annapolis practice that I have confidence in. My therapist even said he was good and she sends her patients there. Don't want to mention names, but the group is Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine with offices in Annapolis, Bowie, and Millersville. Any scoop on them???

I'm glad to hear that you are going outside of SoMd for this. I have not been too impressed by the ortho docs down here (unfortunately, on more than one occasion). I do not know of this practice specifically, but have heard that the ortho docs associated with AAMC are pretty good. Good luck with the surgery and just remember to be good and do what the docs tell you!