round-bale holders


New Member
Hey guys,

We recently started buying round bales of hay for our sacrifice pasture. We really need a round bale holder thing to keep the horses from destroying the hay in a week. They are awfully pricey new. Does anyone have anything that they maybe aren't using and could consider selling?

Thanks in advance for your help!


laura+flare= gone
well if you dont mind your horse rubbing off its mane (unless their 16h +)
you could go the sheaper rout and buy the cow round bale feeders. we like them more because its easy to lift and move around (i do it myself all the time) it also lastest WAY longer, but then again if it breaks my dad wields it back together.
we have a horse that will eat the round bale by himself in 3 days! But we put him in with the others and now 4 horses eat 1 in about 5-6 days.


:lmao: by any chance is she really nosie?

:confused: Do you mean nosy? She's not too nosy, but she does like hay. :lmao: My QH mare rubbed a part of her mane out on the top of a dutch stall door. The top was closed so that only the mini donkeys could go in and out of that particular stall, but she always had to be sticking her head in there trying to reach hay or maybe just check things out. (She's only 15.1)

Oh, and that picture was from July. That mare's mane has since been pulled so that it's all one length. :)


laura+flare= gone
:confused: Do you mean nosy?

i was thinking i spelled it wrong :whistle:
Once we had a 11h pony get inside are round bale feeder... im not sure how it happened, but i walk out side and theres Misty in it. I was too little to lift the feeder up, and went back in to tell mom, and she didnt believe me untill she looked for herself!