Rove ain't going anywhere...


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said: the Rove lynch mob's bubble bursting. Torches being put out, pitch forks hitting the pavement in disgust...

...answered all the questions prosecutors asked during three grand jury appearances, never invoking his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination or the president's executive privilege guaranteeing confidential advice from aides.

Gee, this administration has alot to learn when it comes to testifying before a grand jury. Answering all questions, never invoking the Fifth Amendment or executive, what a bunch of maroooons... :sarcasm:


otter said:
Gee, this administration has alot to learn when it comes to testifying before a grand jury. Answering all questions, never invoking the Fifth Amendment or executive, what a bunch of maroooons... :sarcasm:
Could you define "it" please?


Super Genius
This is great:
House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi and other party leaders asked Speaker Dennis Hastert on Friday to let Congress hold hearings into the controversy regardless of the criminal probe now under way.

"In previous Republican Congresses the fact that a criminal investigation was under way did not prevent extensive hearings from being held on other, much less significant matters," Pelosi wrote.
So, now that we know it wasn't Rove, it's a "much less significant matter". :rolleyes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It would be nice if Democrats would focus their energies on something other than trying to bring down the Bush Administration and everyone associated with it. I understand that they want payback for Clinton, but please - enough is enough.

Were they like this when Big Daddy was in office, and during the Gulf War? Maybe I wasn't paying attention but I don't remember Democrats being this ugly then. My first glimmer of it was when Paula Jones came forward and James Carville suggested that a $100 bill was dragged through a trailer park. Then the way they eviscerated Ken Starr.

I remember little snarky stories, like Nancy Reagan and her astrologer, but nothing like this. Why do they hate Bush and everyone associated with him so much?


vraiblonde said:
It would be nice if Democrats would focus their energies on something other than trying to bring down the Bush Administration and everyone associated with it. I understand that they want payback for Clinton, but please - enough is enough.

Were they like this when Big Daddy was in office, and during the Gulf War? Maybe I wasn't paying attention but I don't remember Democrats being this ugly then. My first glimmer of it was when Paula Jones came forward and James Carville suggested that a $100 bill was dragged through a trailer park. Then the way they eviscerated Ken Starr.

I remember little snarky stories, like Nancy Reagan and her astrologer, but nothing like this. Why do they hate Bush and everyone associated with him so much?

Hey Vrai!

It's because he's his own man and he follows his principles rather than pussy footing around to keep everyone happy.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
remaxrealtor said:
Hey Vrai!

It's because he's his own man and he follows his principles rather than pussy footing around to keep everyone happy.
I think it is more that they are p!ssed that he is doing his job as Chief Executive instead of acting like a figure head who does nothing but get head.


Ken King said:
I think it is more that they are p!ssed that he is doing his job as Chief Executive instead of acting like a figure head who does nothing but get head.

:whack: Oh yeah, that too!


Fighting like a girl
vraiblonde said:
I remember little snarky stories, like Nancy Reagan and her astrologer, but nothing like this. Why do they hate Bush and everyone associated with him so much?

I think a lot of it still goes back to the 2000 election, many democrats were infuriated that he was elected without winning the popular vote. Yes he won with a clear majority in 2004, but he would have never been part of that election if it wasn't for 2000.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
truby20 said:
I think a lot of it still goes back to the 2000 election, many democrats were infuriated that he was elected without winning the popular vote.
I don't know why that should infuriate them - US Presidents have NEVER been elected on popular vote.


Fighting like a girl
vraiblonde said:
I don't know why that should infuriate them - US Presidents have NEVER been elected on popular vote.
Yeah, we know the rules haven't changed. Just with a Republican controlled congress it stung a little bit to lose the presidency by such a close margin. I know if the shoe was on the other foot Gore would not have been warmly welcomed either....but that is old news and the Democrats need to get focused on something more than just being anti-Bush. Hillary is NOT an option, far too divisive and her campaigning will just bring back so many issues from her husband's time as president. It will do more harm than good for the democratic party but there is a huge group that sees her as the party's savior. I just don't see the rest of the country coming out and voting for her.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
It would be nice if Democrats would focus their energies on something other than trying to bring down the Bush Administration and everyone associated with it. I understand that they want payback for Clinton, but please - enough is enough.
But when the GOP went after Slick Willie, he had actually committed crimes and was caught with his pants down (pardon the pun). Bush hasn't done a thing wrong!!

Here's my position on the Dems: :lalala:


Clinton's cronie Podesta was on MTP this morning, and Russert played the video clip of Bush saying " If there is a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is. And if the person has violated law, that person will be taken care of." Then later on in the show Podesta says "And I think that the one thing that is unassailable at the end of this week is that Mr. Rove did not tell the truth in 2003, and I think given that, he's hurting the president by staying there and I think he has a duty to the president--and, quite frankly, the president said he would fire leakers, not lawbreakers." I was like I could have sworn that Bush said that is someone violated the law he would be taken care of. If everyone in DC who leaks something is fired there would be no one in Washington.

I think Podesta could have waited until he was on at least a different show before lying.