Rove tried to kill Lieberman VP pick


Habari Na Mijeldi
Rove tried to kill Lieberman VP pick - Jonathan Martin -

Republican strategist Karl Rove called Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.) late last week and urged him to contact Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) to withdraw his name from vice presidential consideration, according to three sources familiar with the conversation.

Lieberman dismissed the request, these sources agreed.

Lieberman “laughed at the suggestion and certainly did not call [McCain] on it,” said one source familiar with the details.

“Rove called Lieberman,” recounted a second source. “Lieberman told him he would not make that call.”

Rove did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Well-Known Member
Rove tried to kill Lieberman VP pick - Jonathan Martin -

Republican strategist Karl Rove called Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.) late last week and urged him to contact Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) to withdraw his name from vice presidential consideration, according to three sources familiar with the conversation.

Lieberman dismissed the request, these sources agreed.

Lieberman “laughed at the suggestion and certainly did not call [McCain] on it,” said one source familiar with the details.

“Rove called Lieberman,” recounted a second source. “Lieberman told him he would not make that call.”

Rove did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Rove has had his moments of electoral strategy brilliance - and some gross miscalculations as well.

I've read differing views on the wisdom of picking Lieberman, going in opposite directions. One is that it loses significantly more of the conservative base than the number of moderates it will gain - and the other says the opposite.

Me, I'm of the opinion that losing in an election pretty much finishes you, most of the time. On the other hand, historically, being someone else's VP after losing an election doesn't hurt your chances. Lieberman is a good man, but aside from the war, he's liberal all the way down the line.