Rumbles O' Thunder.....


New Member
:bawl: *Thunderstorms* Mom isn't home! :poorbaby: I'm all freaked out... for you all's safety, severe T-Storm watch 'till 8PM EST k? Buh Bi *gonna go keep an eye on da sky lol*


American Beauty
PREMO Member
At least you don't have a 75 lb. stinky-azz GSD trying to get in your lap! :lol:

Just started POURING here!

John Z

if you will
Yeah, storm was a li'l intense driving through Hughesville tonight. When I got home the power was out. :frown:

But it came back on after 72 mins of eerie quiet. :smile:


Be about it
It was storming something awful on my way home!! I had to pull over in Upper Marlboro for about 10 minutes until the worst of it passed...all kinds of hail and everything!


Be about it
Originally posted by Surf City Baby
:offtopic: but... I love your av. What a cutie pie!

TY! I call the pic 'Gangsta Mac', lol!! Mackenzie was being a dork and put on a headband and my sunglasses!


Be about it
Originally posted by Surf City Baby
you new Mrs., you. :wink:

It's so weird!! I was actually calling around to some insurance companies yesterday and left a message at one. When she called back later and asked for Mrs. Crossman it TOTALLY threw me off. For a split second I thought she must have the wrong number, until it hit me! :lmao:

Surf City Baby

New Member
Originally posted by laureng
It's so weird!! I was actually calling around to some insurance companies yesterday and left a message at one. When she called back later and asked for Mrs. Crossman it TOTALLY threw me off. For a split second I thought she must have the wrong number, until it hit me! :lmao:


sigh That's actually really, really cool. I envy you. :smile:


Have you started to sign the last name yet. Like on checks, etc....
That is the part that got me. Took a while to get use to it.


Be about it
Originally posted by Kimmy
Have you started to sign the last name yet. Like on checks, etc....
That is the part that got me. Took a while to get use to it.

Not on checks yet, since we're not changing the name on the bank account until this weekend. We both have to be there for that one, so it had to wait. I changed my name on everything else though - new license, social security card, new credit cards, etc... Almost finished! As soon as we change the name on the bank account and the new checks read my new name, I'll be signing it more often. :biggrin:

Surf City Baby

New Member
Originally posted by laureng
Aren't you married yourself? I might be lost...certainly woudn't be the first time, lol!!
Sorry for the confusion. You're not lost. I am married, to KJ. I'm just not recognized as a "Mrs.," nor is she.

But, we do have all the joy and bliss and frustration and "why don't you ever do the dishes?" etc., etc., of most married couples. On that score, I'm not missing anything! (except raised toilet seats, which I understand can be a point of contention) :biggrin:

OMG, that reminds me, have you ever seen a standup comedy show that Brett Butler did on Showtime? I think it was in San Francisco. HILARIOUS. A friend, a newlywed, calls her, crying, saying she thinks her marriage is over.... this contains profanity, should I go on? :wink:


Be about it
Originally posted by Surf City Baby
Sorry for the confusion. You're not lost. I am married, to KJ. I'm just not recognized as a "Mrs.," nor is she.

AAAaaaahhhhhhh, I gotcha now! I was on the right track...sorta, lol! At any rate, I'm with ya now! :cool:


Be about it
Originally posted by Surf City Baby
OMG, that reminds me, have you ever seen a standup comedy show that Brett Butler did on Showtime? I think it was in San Francisco. HILARIOUS. A friend, a newlywed, calls her, crying, saying she thinks her marriage is over.... this contains profanity, should I go on? :wink:

Of course, go on, lol!! I've never seen that show!

Surf City Baby

New Member
Originally posted by laureng
Of course, go on, lol!! I've never seen that show!

Okay, so in part of the show, she says a friend who's a newlywed calls her. She's crying and she says she thinks her marriage is over. Brett says "what's wrong." Her friend says, "um, he leaves the lid up."

Brett pauses, then says, "You go in there, and you put the lid down and you get on with life because it's very short."

Her friend says, "No, I think it's latent hostility, I've asked him to put it down and he always leaves it up, and I am very upset."

Another pause, then Brett says, "When he starts beating you, and f***ing your sister, call me back."

Oh, well, I fear it doesn't translate too well in print, but GOD that tape is hilarious. We saw her live at the Improv a couple of years ago. The opening acts sucked, but she was fabulous. She'd been a drunk & an addict before her TV show, cleaned up for a long time, then fell off the wagon for a while. This show we saw was after she got clean again. She mentioned this and people clapped and cheered, and she said, "don't clap for that, it's like clapping for me getting out of a house that's about to burn down."

And she can write. If you have a chance, pick up Knee Deep in Paradise. It's not one of those cheesy, ghost-written "I'm hot right now so I'd better cash in" books.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Surf City Baby
On that score, I'm not missing anything!
I will suggest to you that you're actually getting the better end of the deal than your hetero sisters. I've had female roommates and male roommates - the females are the hands-down winners when it comes to domestic harmony.

Sometimes I think heterosexuality is God's little joke.

Surf City Baby

New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
I will suggest to you that you're actually getting the better end of the deal than your hetero sisters. I've had female roommates and male roommates - the females are the hands-down winners when it comes to domestic harmony.
I think you're right. I look at my sisters' marriages, one of which failed, and I see this pretty clearly.
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Sometimes I think heterosexuality is God's little joke.
:killingme The very point I was making to my eldest sister (the still-married one) this afternoon!