

New Member
And we all knew this was coming... Let me start first.

Daily Kos: State of the Nation

In a nut shell, the dems are trying to say that Sarah's baby is a cover up and it really belongs to her 16 year old daughter. :rolleyes:

Some of the facts they are yapping about I believe are incorrect to my understanding. The risk of having a DS baby are higher when the mother is over the age of 40 but if you go around and read, you will see that they are trying to spin this around and say that it is common among teen mothers... not that any of that is important, because it isn't but this daughter baby rumor is spreading like a wild fire.

I am sure this is the first of many rumors and there are more to follow...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Isn't this...


While it may be in bad taste to bring all this up, and, believe me, I feel reluctant to, I think it does go to the candidate's character. If she's willing to cover it this up, well, need I say more?

Apparently not too reluctant? If the lovely human beings at kos could explain why it matters, then we can moveon, so to speak, to their idea of higher politics.


New Member
I LOVE the part where they would actually question her hopping on a plane after her water broke. My mother boarded a plane in Paris Island South Carolina and flew to Beaver PA AFTER her water broke. My mother wanted to be home with her parents and in the company of doctors she trusted.

The events they are trying to say confirm this rumor are beyond insane. :dork: But.... we cannot be too surprised they would lower themselves like this.


b*tch rocket
Faking a pregnancy and hiding another, while being governor, would be just a smidge complicated to pull off don't you think? :lol:


MSNBC put on their news crawler "How many houses does this pick add to the GOP ticket?" Non biased my ass.


When I saw the picture of her with the new born, I thought someone is going to start a rumor that someone else is the dad, I would never have imagined that it would be someone else is the mom.


New Member
I just don't think this 'crap' ever happened. I couldn't believe it when I read it because it is just so far out there.

They are encouraging DU forum members to post youtube videos and rate them high to get them up on the main page. :dork:

They have just added TONS of videos today. Looking around, it is said that the videos they post get somewhere around 13.9 million viewers.


I just don't think this 'crap' ever happened. I couldn't believe it when I read it because it is just so far out there.

They are encouraging DU forum members to post youtube videos and rate them high to get them up on the main page. :dork:

They have just added TONS of videos today. Looking around, it is said that the videos they post get somewhere around 13.9 million viewers.

Can I just say on a side note with no disrespect intended, that her husband is a very nice looking man.


New Member
Can I just say on a side note with no disrespect intended, that her husband is a very nice looking man.

Some of us have already mentioned that in another thread. :drool:

What is so pathetic is that they would push this non-sense and encourage others to rate them high to get them on the main youtube page. I'm not kidding... it is right there on the DU forum. :rolleyes: I have watched a few of these videos and one word comes to mind, STUPID and they have 13.9 million stupid people viewing them. :doh:


I just don't think this 'crap' ever happened. I couldn't believe it when I read it because it is just so far out there.

It's not so far out there. My daughter's daycare mother had a Down's baby when she was at the ripe old age of 19.

It probably is a rumor, but I don't care if it's true. I would do the same for my daughter in a heartbeat.

She (umm, I mean McCain) has my vote.


Some of us have already mentioned that in another thread. :drool:

What is so pathetic is that they would push this non-sense and encourage others to rate them high to get them on the main youtube page. I'm not kidding... it is right there on the DU forum. :rolleyes: I have watched a few of these videos and one word comes to mind, STUPID and they have 13.9 million stupid people viewing them. :doh:

I kind of figured that, but didn't really feel like searching around for it.


Obama destroyed America
I just don't think this 'crap' ever happened. I couldn't believe it when I read it because it is just so far out there.

They are encouraging DU forum members to post youtube videos and rate them high to get them up on the main page. :dork:

They have just added TONS of videos today. Looking around, it is said that the videos they post get somewhere around 13.9 million viewers.
OMG!!! :killingme I think it should get to the front page! What a total douche!

I can't believe they're attacking her experience when Mr. 173 days in the senate is their candidate! :killingme

Foreign policy?? Oh Bammy took a whirlwind tour of the world while running.....Now if that's EXPERIENCE, Veggemom eats meat!! :killingme


It's not so far out there. My daughter's daycare mother had a Down's baby when she was at the ripe old age of 19.

It probably is a rumor, but I don't care if it's true. I would do the same for my daughter in a heartbeat.

She (umm, I mean McCain) has my vote.

I heard on the radio this evening he is 72? So you may be right. :whistle:


New Member
I think it would take more than money to hide a false pregnancy by a Governor, but you go right on thinking that.


I think it would take more than money to hide a false pregnancy by a Governor, but you go right on thinking that.

Nope. Expanding waistline (strap on) and an ob/gyn family friend. Who would EVER question a woman about her pregnancy when apparently pregnant? :coffee:

The daughter could have been easily hidden away.