

New Member
Democrats are so pissed that McCain's announcement took over as the story of the day. Personally I was soooo glad that we didn't have to watch and rewatch Obama's over the top, over rated and expensive freak show. What other candidate in history has been so arrogrant as to rent a collision to accept a nomination......that right there should tell America I hear narcissistic.............


New Member
Democrats are so pissed that McCain's announcement took over as the story of the day. Personally I was soooo glad that we didn't have to watch and rewatch Obama's over the top, over rated and expensive freak show. What other candidate in history has been so arrogrant as to rent a collision to accept a nomination......that right there should tell America I hear narcissistic.............

Most politicians are narcissistic, that's a fact and I will agree that Obama's shines more brightly than most.

OMG!!! :killingme I think it should get to the front page! What a total douche!

I can't believe they're attacking her experience when Mr. 173 days in the senate is their candidate! :killingme

Foreign policy?? Oh Bammy took a whirlwind tour of the world while running.....Now if that's EXPERIENCE, Veggemom eats meat!! :killingme

They portrayed Sarah's husband as looking like the Gordon Fish Sticks guy.

You would think they would have at least WATCHED her VP announcement today before creating a crappy video putting down his looks. :crazy: I just cannot believe they have 13.9 million faithful viewers. What in the world are the morons viewing this crap thinking? Wait... the key word there "thinking" these people must not be thinking, that's it. :doh:


Her husband is a commercial fisherman, ever seen deadliest catch? Those guys are awesome. :lmao: Just kidding, I don't know enough yet to form an opinion, it's too soon, but I do know that her hubby is very nice looking, she has a baby that has downs and what seems like a very nice family. Again, I don't know enough to form an opinion, but I'm sure the media will help me along. :sarcasm:

It's just to early and I really hope people stop making stuff up about this woman and only give facts.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
And we all knew this was coming... Let me start first.

Daily Kos: State of the Nation

In a nut shell, the dems are trying to say that Sarah's baby is a cover up and it really belongs to her 16 year old daughter. :rolleyes:

Some of the facts they are yapping about I believe are incorrect to my understanding. The risk of having a DS baby are higher when the mother is over the age of 40 but if you go around and read, you will see that they are trying to spin this around and say that it is common among teen mothers... not that any of that is important, because it isn't but this daughter baby rumor is spreading like a wild fire.

I am sure this is the first of many rumors and there are more to follow...

Wow, they're pretty sick. But it sure shows how much this just eats at them! The more desperate they are, the nastier & more vitriolic they get. McCain took the Obamarama Extravanganza right out of the news cycle. :lmao:


And we all knew this was coming... Let me start first.
Daily Kos: State of the Nation

In a nut shell, the dems are trying to say that Sarah's baby is a cover up and it really belongs to her 16 year old daughter. :rolleyes:

Some of the facts they are yapping about I believe are incorrect to my understanding. The risk of having a DS baby are higher when the mother is over the age of 40 but if you go around and read, you will see that they are trying to spin this around and say that it is common among teen mothers... not that any of that is important, because it isn't but this daughter baby rumor is spreading like a wild fire.

I am sure this is the first of many rumors and there are more to follow...

Wow, what did they give her like maybe a couple of hours or was it less?


New Member
I just don't think this 'crap' ever happened. I couldn't believe it when I read it because it is just so far out there.

They are encouraging DU forum members to post youtube videos and rate them high to get them up on the main page. :dork:

They have just added TONS of videos today. Looking around, it is said that the videos they post get somewhere around 13.9 million viewers.

what an azzhat


b*tch rocket
Nope. Expanding waistline (strap on) and an ob/gyn family friend. Who would EVER question a woman about her pregnancy when apparently pregnant? :coffee:

The daughter could have been easily hidden away.

What? Is this like the 50's? :lol: This stuff only happens on Desperate Housewives. :jet:

I imagine if her daughter was hidden away for any amount of time, it wouldn't have gone unnoticed. The whole conspiracy theory is just silly. :lol:


New Member
What? Is this like the 50's? :lol: This stuff only happens on Desperate Housewives. :jet:

I imagine if her daughter was hidden away for any amount of time, it wouldn't have gone unnoticed. The whole conspiracy theory is just silly. :lol:

I agree... this entire non-sense never happened here.

The next thing (and I know there is already a thread about this) is the accusation of her abusing her power.

ABC News: Palin Could Be Deposed in Probe

^ I have read everything about this and just posted this one link because I am too lazy to look everything back up and sounds justified to me. :biggrin:

If you are not doing your job, you are fired. Period!

Next.... here is an article on the Alaskan's Perspective (well that is what they named the article) The article reeks of bias... IMO

What is McCain Thinking? One Alaskan’s Perspective. « Mudflats


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Nope. Expanding waistline (strap on) and an ob/gyn family friend. Who would EVER question a woman about her pregnancy when apparently pregnant? :coffee:

The daughter could have been easily hidden away.

Hi Wen! :huggy: :love:

I'll see you on Sunday! :smoochy:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
What? Is this like the 50's? :lol: This stuff only happens on Desperate Housewives. :jet:

I imagine if her daughter was hidden away for any amount of time, it wouldn't have gone unnoticed. The whole conspiracy theory is just silly. :lol:

Exactly. And it really shows the depths the Liberals will go when they are desperate themselves.

I think it is horrendous that the so-called "feminists" are now out in full force using that child as fodder for their political vitriol.

Gov. Palin made this quote when he was born :
Gov. Palin gives birth to son Trig: Alaska News |

Trig is beautiful and already adored by us. We knew through early testing he would face special challenges, and we feel privileged that God would entrust us with this gift and allow us unspeakable joy as he entered our lives.

"We have faith that every baby is created for good purpose and has potential to make this world a better place. We are truly blessed."

If the Dems want to make something ugly out of that - they do so at their own peril. In fact, I just saw a Liberal on FNC this morning while typing this! her face shows how pissed off she is at this choice. She was practically seething!

I thought most of the commentary I heard & read about Biden being picked was respectful and nice. But boy, turnabout is not fair play with the Dems! That just shows McCain made a good choice! :yahoo:


No Use for Donk Twits
Wow, they're pretty sick. But it sure shows how much this just eats at them! The more desperate they are, the nastier & more vitriolic they get. McCain took the Obamarama Extravanganza right out of the news cycle. :lmao:

I agree totally.

And Pandora was correct also. I found an interesting link about Palin and the shebang about the ex-brother-in-law (darn, that's way too many hyphens!).

Flopping Aces » Blog Archive » Palin’s Trooper’Gate: Beating MSM distortions to the truth

Since the lefties are going to throw this out, might as well discredit it immediately.


Supper's Ready
Up until yesterday, I really wasn't interested that much in this election. I would have just voted for McCain in November doing my part. But I'm suddenly finding Palin's selection as running mate is making this run for general election very interesting.

Knowing that there is always rumor-mongering and mud slinging on both sides, I find the dems' words on Palin as very desperate, and strangely entertaining.


New Member
I find the story of the Dems gathering to protect her Brother-in-law amusing.

Wasnt it Hillary who fired an entire travel staff just because she wanted her people to have those jobs?

This guy tasered his 11 yo step-son and threatened others in her family, The Taser he used, I am certain was one owned by the police department, he misused it on his own family. I would want the sucker fired also.


Supper's Ready
I find the story of the Dems gathering to protect her Brother-in-law amusing.

Wasnt it Hillary who fired an entire travel staff just because she wanted her people to have those jobs?

This guy tasered his 11 yo step-son and threatened others in her family, The Taser he used, I am certain was one owned by the police department, he misused it on his own family. I would want the sucker fired also.

I had a colleague who worked in that office back then. :yay:


You have to wonder about the mentality of someone who calls that an abuse of power.

The guy is a cop.

He tasered his own 11 year old kid.

Drove a cop car drunk numerous times.

Violated game laws.

Threatened violence on numerous people.

And his superiors did not fire him on their own? When the guy in charge did not fire a cop with a list of violations like that would you feel warm and fuzzy that he was in charge of that department?

This all started BEFORE she was elected governor.

Sounds to me like a care of "Be careful who you are crappy for you might work for them one day" to me.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If Kos, DU and other Democrat authorities keep doing this stuff, they will ensure that McCain is President.

And yes, these people have been touted as authorities many times in the liberal press, to the point that they actually get airtime on MSM outlets.


No Use for Donk Twits
I just don't think this 'crap' ever happened. I couldn't believe it when I read it because it is just so far out there.

They are encouraging DU forum members to post youtube videos and rate them high to get them up on the main page. :dork:

They have just added TONS of videos today. Looking around, it is said that the videos they post get somewhere around 13.9 million viewers.

Someone uploaded video of Palin's campaign commercials when she ran for governor in violation of a loan agreement.

These ads were uploaded in a breach of contract, as the O.U. Political Communication Center does not have a YouTube channel, according to the center's archive assistant Kristen Walker.

"If they have O.U. Political Communication Center on them and they are on YouTube, they are illegally loaded,"Walker said. "We have ads that people have given to us to archive. We don't own the copyrights, but the tape is loaned to somebody with a watermark on it and that is not supposed to be up on the Internet. We have loan agreements signed that say they will not do this."

Palin Ads Showcase Family, Conservative Values | The Trail |

Seems like somebody is playing fast and loose with the law. But they were interesting.