

Lovin' being Texican
If it was Daily KOS, DU or other...

Someone uploaded video of Palin's campaign commercials when she ran for governor in violation of a loan agreement.

These ads were uploaded in a breach of contract, as the O.U. Political Communication Center does not have a YouTube channel, according to the center's archive assistant Kristen Walker.

"If they have O.U. Political Communication Center on them and they are on YouTube, they are illegally loaded,"Walker said. "We have ads that people have given to us to archive. We don't own the copyrights, but the tape is loaned to somebody with a watermark on it and that is not supposed to be up on the Internet. We have loan agreements signed that say they will not do this."

Palin Ads Showcase Family, Conservative Values | The Trail |

Seems like somebody is playing fast and loose with the law. But they were interesting.

..Progressive/Liberal/Democrat/Whatever/Queer group, they posted some of the most positive ads they could. Hope they live to regret it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Daily Kos: Sarah Palin Is NOT The Mother [Photos+Video]

Kos updated videos and photos with this daughter baby stuff.

There are so many holes in that little bit of investigative reporting that I don't even know where to start.

The primary problem is that Sarah Palin must be a very powerful person - second only to Hitler Bush and Darth Cheney - if she was able to pull this off. Obviously a doctor and nursing staff would be involved, regardless of who gave birth. She is a public person, so that would mean she made numerous public appearances. I notice Kos has no photos of her when she was full-blown preggo, but I suppose Wenchy could be right and she was wearing a pillow.

Excuse me...



Anyway, the whole family, all the kids, doctors, nurses, teachers and other school staff, everyone who works with her - that's an awful lot of people who know a "secret" and never breathed a word. If Sarah Palin is so scary and powerful that she could make that happen, we really should want her on our side and all this talk about how she would handle foreign dictators is moot.

But I think it's great that that's all the loony left has on her, this silly story that they've obviously made up in Moonbatville. Must mean she's pretty clean and uncorrupted.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This is one of the things I dislike about the internet: if it weren't for a $10 a month internet connection, Kos would be just another homeless person screaming on the streets about the end of the world. But because he now has worldwide reach, he can collect other moonbats and they can form a gang, then get media attention from the leftwing moonbats in the MSM.


New Member
You know, as well as I do, that they said it so they believe it to be fact. I wanted to post the link and show how this has evolved. :killingme:

Last night they were like... ummm.... I hate to make this accusation with little to no evidence :bs: and today... an entirely new conspiracy theory and a new title...

Sarah Palin Is NOT The Mother [Photos+Video]

And like the lady on the park bench in Forrest Gump... And you tell it so well... :killingme


No Use for Donk Twits
Kos updated videos and photos with this daughter baby stuff.

The diary appeared prepared and waiting in the event that Palin was actually selected by McCain. As one poster put it, it doesn't really matter if it's true or not, if it convinces one voter to vote against Palin.

Brought to you by the folks who bought the Democrat party. And I thought the BetrayUs Ad was a new low. These folks never cease to amaze me with their stupidity.


No Use for Donk Twits
A good analysis of the Dem's response to Palin.

That’s Pretty Sad, Guys | American Princess

Thinking about things last night, and filling out my $10 donation card to McCain before the campaign finance laws shut down individual donations to candidates on Monday, I had a bit of another thought about Palin. Last night, the media and the Democrats were scraping the bottom of the barrel for criticisms of Palin (that’s her daughters baby (huh, National Enquirer calling?)! she fired a trooper (dude tasered his stepson and threatened to kill his father-in-law)!, etc). Now, I’ll give them that they were so focused on Mitt Romney and as such, filled with the kind of smug glee that comes only from living in a target-rich environment, that they forgot to investigate other possibilities — particularly ones that clued-in persons have known about since late 2007 — but what’s been bandied about is below the threshold I usually reserve for Democratic attacks.

And, like all Democratic attacks when Democrats become desperate, they’re amazingly easy to counter.


New Member
First let me say that I believe whoever came up with this scam is a lying sack of Doo-Doo.

Next let me say that any mother that would do this for her child is a hero to me. Makes me like her even more that she would do something like this for her child.

Next let me say that even if this is true the person who put it on the net is still a sack of Doo-doo, dirty bastage, POS .


New Member
I say if it is true who the flock cares? Its better than an abortion, and shows what kind of mom she is. Who does it really hurt?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

I just took a tour of a couple leftwing blogs/forums looking for more of their Palin comments. The misogyny in those places is horrifying and that crap is what will cost Obama the election.


New Member

I just took a tour of a couple leftwing blogs/forums looking for more of their Palin comments. The misogyny in those places is horrifying and that crap is what will cost Obama the election.

After leaving there , you could probably use a shower, going to places like that always make a person feel dirty.


No Use for Donk Twits
For all the rhetoric regarding the big tent, inclusiveness, diversity, and tolerance, one sure doesn't see much of any of those themes from the common Democrat. I haven't seen much discussion of issues from these self-labeled, so-called 'intellectuals'. Their diatribes are mostly personal attacks of those that disagree with them. It's out there for all to see.

Even Nonno supports assaulting those who disagree with socialist positions. Strange.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
For all the rhetoric regarding the big tent, inclusiveness, diversity, and tolerance, one sure doesn't see much of any of those themes from the common Democrat.

I'm going to have to disagree with that. I am related to or friends with many Democrats, and they don't talk or act like that.

I know I make blanket statements all the time about Democrats, but I am referring to the vocal nutbags we see on TV and their party leadership, NOT regular people. Many Democrats are embarrassed by the rhetoric that comes out of their party, just like we are embarrassed by some of George Bush's greatest hits.


No Use for Donk Twits
I'm going to have to disagree with that. I am related to or friends with many Democrats, and they don't talk or act like that.

I know I make blanket statements all the time about Democrats, but I am referring to the vocal nutbags we see on TV and their party leadership, NOT regular people. Many Democrats are embarrassed by the rhetoric that comes out of their party, just like we are embarrassed by some of George Bush's greatest hits.

I believe the average American, from whatever party, really doesn't give a rats butt about politics, until policy affects them and their families directly. Much like the current situation with gas prices.

I do agree with you regarding the rhetoric from the Democrat leadership and I'd add the politically active folks at Kos, DU and Huffington Post. Those are the folks we see verbalizing (or writing). And their rhetoric is in direct conflict with the views they supposedly own. I apologize for using the generic term 'common', which is incorrect. A third of the country can't be as ignorant as the Democrat leadership appears on television or the posters at Kos and DU.


Lovin' being Texican
Many Democrats are embarrassed by the rhetoric that comes out of their party, just like we are embarrassed by some of George Bush's greatest hits.

Michelle Rhee, the Education Czar in D.C., is featured in NEWSWEEK and is quoted as saying that, even though she is a Democrat, she is embarrassed when Democrats speak about education.

So I guess there are some decent Democrats out there.

They are really silent though. We don't hear them objecting to the extreme positions of the Obama couple or the other outspoken Dems.


Main Streeter
I'm going to have to disagree with that. I am related to or friends with many Democrats, and they don't talk or act like that.

I know I make blanket statements all the time about Democrats, but I am referring to the vocal nutbags we see on TV and their party leadership, NOT regular people. Many Democrats are embarrassed by the rhetoric that comes out of their party, just like we are embarrassed by some of George Bush's greatest hits.
I appreciate that comment because I oftem get frustrated about things being said some in my party who are hungry for attention. I know it has to be frustrating for some in the GOP when people like Pat Robertson or the late Jerry Falwell would get headline for there crazy comments.

The strange thing is that I didn't hear anything about the rumors regarding Palin's baby until I read it here. It's not being talked about in the news so one might wonder if the whole "rumor" was developed to get people pssed off at Obama.


New Member
The strange thing is that I didn't hear anything about the rumors regarding Palin's baby until I read it here. It's not being talked about in the news so one might wonder if the whole "rumor" was developed to get people pssed off at Obama.

So far, it has been posted on democratic chat boards and blogs and some have yielded warnings of how damaging a rumor like this can be if it goes any further without evidence. I agree with Vrai's comments. I also have family and friends who are democrats that don't act like this. Obama isn't all that popular among those in his own party, as is, and I know few democrats that were disappointed with the democratic party saying if all they have is Obama and Hillary, that it is truly shameful to even be a democrat today, but besides all that, these types of rumors with no factual basis are meant to do damage, even if it never goes past the Internet blogs and chat rooms.


Main Streeter
So far, it has been posted on democratic chat boards and blogs and some have yielded warnings of how damaging a rumor like this can be if it goes any further without evidence. I agree with Vrai's comments. I also have family and friends who are democrats that don't act like this. Obama isn't all that popular among those in his own party, as is, and I know few democrats that were disappointed with the democratic party saying if all they have is Obama and Hillary, that it is truly shameful to even be a democrat today, but besides all that, these types of rumors with no factual basis are meant to do damage, even if it never goes past the Internet blogs and chat rooms.
As a Dem, I think I'd be happier if it was a Biden/Obama ticket and I know a few GOPers who aren't totally happy with their nominee either.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The strange thing is that I didn't hear anything about the rumors regarding Palin's baby until I read it here. It's not being talked about in the news so one might wonder if the whole "rumor" was developed to get people pssed off at Obama.

DailyKos has a full spread, complete with photos (that are misleading, but whatever). I doubt they did that to get people pissed at Obama.

So far it hasn't hit the MSM because it's a load of #### and the real news people won't touch it. But that hasn't stopped the bloggers from running amok. And you know that they are influential - DU, Kos, Huffington.