

New Member
I kept waiting for the Democrats to come out with something about the Republican convention being toned down due to the that would probably back fire in their faces....

Oh and Biden's famous remark...."let's prey the levee's hold" that is like a great leadership remark..............:whistle:


New Member
Some of the pictures that are being shown are from dates that are older then they say to make it fit the fake story.
Not only is the DailyKos disgustingly inspecting Bristol's midriff with all the fervor of LA paparrazzi examining J-Lo's or Jennifer Aniston's washboard stomachs for evidence of a "bump" DailyKos is is wrong on when the photo was taken. It was taken, and published, by the Anchorage Daily News in 2006. Baby Trig, a Down's Syndrome child, was born on April 18, 2008. That's a long time for a teen girl to be carrying a "bump" which looks nothing more than the curve of a tight sweater.
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New Member
I kept waiting for the Democrats to come out with something about the Republican convention being toned down due to the that would probably back fire in their faces....

Oh and Biden's famous remark...."let's prey the levee's hold" that is like a great leadership remark..............:whistle:

Biden saying , Let's pray the Levee's hold while all the time hoping they dont so they can somehow blame it on Bush.


New Member
Biden saying , Let's pray the Levee's hold while all the time hoping they dont so they can somehow blame it on Bush.

You are probably right....

I just read that Obama plans on sending out emails for donations to go to hurricane relief.....he said basically that he would be a distraction if he went down to the area but he is thinking about sending a volunteer team.....

So much for hands on huh?........:smack:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I wish the Democrats would show some class and leave Gov. Palin's children out of their sleazy politics.

dia look

New Member
OK, I read the one web site that claimed to have pics of her pregnant daughter. Not convinced. This campaign is backfiring on me for two reasons.
One- they are going after a teen age girl and a little baby, neither one is running for president. That would be like going after Chelsea when bill was President.
Two- If they are correct, and it would take a miracle to get that many people to keep quiet, sort of like all the Clinton conspiracies that were flowing around when he was president, then WOW, she really stepped up to protect her daughter. A winner in my book either way. McCain/Palin still has my vote and I don't see that changing.
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New Member

I haven't given it much thought the 'what if' this was true. I look at the Bill Clinton situation and it wasn't that he fooled around, it was that he lied about it when asked outright and got on TV and said "I did not have relations with that woman" blah blah blah. But to his credit, he eventually came clean about it all and if you pay attention to his words, it was a lie by admission. With this, I don't feel the 'damage' is the same. I just don't know... I really hadn't given it all that much thought. :shrug: I think the whole thing is crap.


Obama destroyed America

I haven't given it much thought the 'what if' this was true. I look at the Bill Clinton situation and it wasn't that he fooled around, it was that he lied about it when asked outright and got on TV and said "I did not have relations with that woman" blah blah blah. But to his credit, he eventually came clean about it all and if you pay attention to his words, it was a lie by admission. With this, I don't feel the 'damage' is the same. I just don't know... I really hadn't given it all that much thought. :shrug: I think the whole thing is crap.
He didn't come clean!!! He was INDICTED, DISBARRED and IMPEACHED for lying under oath!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I thought he eventually did outright confess?

He admitted to having an "inappropriate relationship" with her but never really confessed. Not to mention he didn't even go that far until he was stone cold busted.

Anyway, this Sarah Palin baby story is stupid. The more people involved in a conspiracy, the less likely it is to be true. By now one of the girl's friends, teachers, nurses or someone would have stepped forward and sold their story.


New Member
He admitted to having an "inappropriate relationship" with her but never really confessed. Not to mention he didn't even go that far until he was stone cold busted.

Anyway, this Sarah Palin baby story is stupid. The more people involved in a conspiracy, the less likely it is to be true. By now one of the girl's friends, teachers, nurses or someone would have stepped forward and sold their story.

I agree with your 2nd paragraph and on the first, I knew he eventually confessed but couldn't and still really don't remember where that confession (or half ass confession) came into the mix. When he got on TV and said, I did not have relations with that woman, I remember hearing a couple professional interrogators opinions and how they felt it was a lie because the word "relations" has many interpretations.

With Palin, somebody would have stood up and been the noisy cricket by now because the payout would be huge and that hasn't happened.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

So far, it has been posted on democratic chat boards and blogs and some have yielded warnings of how damaging a rumor like this can be if it goes any further without evidence. I agree with Vrai's comments. I also have family and friends who are democrats that don't act like this. Obama isn't all that popular among those in his own party, as is, and I know few democrats that were disappointed with the democratic party saying if all they have is Obama and Hillary, that it is truly shameful to even be a democrat today, but besides all that, these types of rumors with no factual basis are meant to do damage, even if it never goes past the Internet blogs and chat rooms.

...the Democrats I know, the older ones, are ALL voting McCain anyway once Hillary was kicked to the curb. They damn sure are now. Their support for Hillary was support for a woman. Any woman. Add to that they were never UN comfortable with McCain in the first place.

Add to that they are actively angry at Obama for dissing Hillary. They all too well remember JFK/LBJ and, in their view, this should have been the same thing; young, inexperienced charmer takes the person, even though he couldn't stand LBJ, that gives him the best chance of WINNING.

Obama's judgement is proving poor in every instance that doesn't involve college kids.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I agree with your 2nd paragraph and on the first, I knew he eventually confessed but couldn't and still really don't remember where that confession (or half ass confession) came into the mix. When he got on TV and said, I did not have relations with that woman, I remember hearing a couple professional interrogators opinions and how they felt it was a lie because the word "relations" has many interpretations.

With Palin, somebody would have stood up and been the noisy cricket by now because the payout would be huge and that hasn't happened.

...who cares anyway??? Good Lord, talk about your personal, private business. If true, why would this story make anyone considering her think even a little less of her? So what if the left starts jumping up and down like organ grinder monkeys over this? They're already doing that.


New Member
McCain picking Sarah Palin has shown me that the Democrat women who are against her are not really for womens equality unless that woman is
1. Ugly
2. A ball-busting ,male hating, non-feminine harridan
3. Lesbian
4. Has either had an abortion or tries to convince others that a fetus is similar to a yeast infection and can be cured by abortion.
5. Stands by her man only to use him for political , social or financial interests.


New Member
...who cares anyway??? Good Lord, talk about your personal, private business. If true, why would this story make anyone considering her think even a little less of her? So what if the left starts jumping up and down like organ grinder monkeys over this? They're already doing that.

If anything, if true, it would be used to smear and you know that, as well as I do, but there have been a few post here saying the same thing you've already said... and that they find it admirable that/or if she took on the child as her own. I have been asked how I would feel if it is true by those who believe it 'could be' and I just think it is a smear from word one but if it was true, I don't think it would have mattered to me.


Main Streeter
Some of the pictures that are being shown are from dates that are older then they say to make it fit the fake story.

Looks like the rumors weren't too off......

At least the VP nominee is dealing with real issues like many other folks do.

ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) -- Bristol Palin, the 17-year-old daughter of Sarah Palin, is pregnant and will keep the baby and marry the father, a senior aide to Sen. John McCain confirmed to CNN Tuesday.

Teen daughter of GOP VP pick is pregnant -