
Larry Gude

Strung Out
No, no...

Both sides do it. Both sides have a$$holes. Both sides can be stupid and immature. That is a given, but I am not one for 'well, you do it, too!'.

If you steal my lawnmower and I take everything in your house, we're both thieves, but we're not in the same league.

What the Dem attack dogs are doing right now is reprehensible. They are doing it as a group, across the board. This is FAR worse than one ugly joke said by one man at one dinner.


New Member That is a given, but I am not one for 'well, you do it, too!'.

If you steal my lawnmower and I take everything in your house, we're both thieves, but we're not in the same league.

What the Dem attack dogs are doing right now is reprehensible. They are doing it as a group, across the board. This is FAR worse than one ugly joke said by one man at one dinner.

come on larry, over the past few months this forum has been filled with false stories about obama, each of which was more retarded and derogatory than the last. you cant really expect the dems to ignore this story can you? if obama had a 17yo who was knocked up you can garuntee that it would be a major story.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I am...

Please provide citations for your claims (other than links to anonymous postings on the internet).

...left to assume you don't have a working television set. I have not referenced one anonymous loon on the net somewhere. I have NAMED Paul Begala. I forget the names of the folks on Larry King last night, but it would be a simple matter for you to look up. MSNBC. CNN news. The networks.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You have an interresting ...

come on larry, over the past few months this forum has been filled with false stories about obama, each of which was more retarded and derogatory than the last. you cant really expect the dems to ignore this story can you? if obama had a 17yo who was knocked up you can garuntee that it would be a major story.

...view on things and a rather seemingly oblivious way of shooting down your own argument while you're making it.

I don't expect Democrats to behave civilly, so your are correct about that; I don't expect them to ignore this.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

come on larry, over the past few months this forum has been filled with false stories about obama, each of which was more retarded and derogatory than the last. you cant really expect the dems to ignore this story can you? if obama had a 17yo who was knocked up you can garuntee that it would be a major story.

...I'll make this REAL simple for you;

Do you think the questions about Obama's place of birth are the equivalent to the questions about Palins daughter?

You can treat this as a yes or no or attempt to create a moral equivalence.



New Member
...view on things and a rather seemingly oblivious way of shooting down your own argument while you're making it.

I don't expect Democrats to behave civilly, so your are correct about that; I don't expect them to ignore this.

so you are saying that republicans have a higher standard? bwhahaha

its called politics, the same dirty politics that the R's have been playing all year. It has been coming from all sides, just like it is now from the dems.

what is the big deal, if she can live with her skeletons she will do just fine. Obama has been dealing with similar BS for quite a while.


New Member
...I'll make this REAL simple for you;

Do you think the questions about Obama's place of birth are the equivalent to the questions about Palins daughter?

You can treat this as a yes or no or attempt to create a moral equivalence.



one has no basis in fact and is only a rumor, while the other is a fact.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

so you are saying that republicans have a higher standard? bwhahaha

its called politics, the same dirty politics that the R's have been playing all year. It has been coming from all sides, just like it is now from the dems.

what is the big deal, if she can live with her skeletons she will do just fine. Obama has been dealing with similar BS for quite a while.

...the moral equivalence.

You failed, BTW.

Just so you can try to straighten out your moral compass, it is far worse to be dragging this kid through all of this mud than it is to ask an actual candidate if they were born in the US or not.

You might want to write that down for future reference when confronted with value judgements.


New Member agree that it is far worse to be attacking this kid or you think it is far worse to ask relevant questions of an actual candidate?

Steady, now.


spreading a rumor to give obama the apearence of being something he is not is much worse than asking about a factual pregnancy.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...tommy; I'll make it even easier for you;

Ben Smith's Blog: Obama on Palin -

I have said before and I will repeat again: People's families are off limits," Obama said. "And people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as a governor or her potential performance as a vice president. So I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories. You know my mother had me when she was 18 and how a family deals with issues and teenage children, that shouldn’t be a topic of our politics."


On charges that his campaign has stoked the story via liberal blogs:

"I am offended by that statement. There is no evidence at all that any of this involved us," he said. "Our people were not involved in any way in this, and they will not be. And if I thought there was somebody in my campaign who was involved in something like that, they would be fired."

He's not wrong on everything. :buddies:

Larry Gude

Strung Out


spreading a rumor to give obama the apearence of being something he is not is much worse than asking about a factual pregnancy. should be ashamed of yourself and now I know who these vulgar little bloggers are writing for; people like you.

I just lost any respect I had for you from previous debates and arguments. This is a simple issue to see right and wrong. It's been fun up until now, but this is just ugly on your part.

I'm done with you.


I find it amusing that republicans pretend that they would never bash a democrats family or make an inappropriate statement concerning a candidates family.
I feel sorry for this girl. The look on her face says it all. So what? She had sex. She got pregnant. BFD. It happens all the time.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I never...

I find it amusing that republicans pretend that they would never bash a democrats family or make an inappropriate statement concerning a candidates family.
I feel sorry for this girl. The look on her face says it all. So what? She had sex. She got pregnant. BFD. It happens all the time.

...said that and, in fact stated that McCain has his own nasty side earlier in this thread, as does Limbaugh, especially and specifically as regards Chelsea. I say, without reservation they were way out of bounds.


New Member should be ashamed of yourself and now I know who these vulgar little bloggers are writing for; people like you.

I just lost any respect I had for you from previous debates and arguments. This is a simple issue to see right and wrong. It's been fun up until now, but this is just ugly on your part.

I'm done with you.

thats what most people say when they are wrong.....

spreading untrue rumors is much worse than asking about a factual pregnancy. what you want to read into her daughter being knocked up is up to the individual. I dont see it as a real issue, someone more conservative might have a totally different take.

The Oyster Guy

New Member
You've gotta ask yourself: if McCain was already aware that 17 y.o. Bristol Palin was pregnant, just why in the hell would he select her mother as his running mate? Shouldn't McCain have known the uproar that would result? Why would McCain subject the Palin family to this type of politics?

Or did McCain somehow not know about it... Could it be that Palin not properly vetted? Was McCain's decision that hastily made?


They call me ... Sarcasmo
You've gotta ask yourself: if McCain was already aware that 17 y.o. Bristol Palin was pregnant, just why in the hell would he select her mother as his running mate? Shouldn't McCain have known the uproar that would result? Why would McCain subject the Palin family to this type of politics?

Why should this matter?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

You've gotta ask yourself: if McCain was already aware that 17 y.o. Bristol Palin was pregnant, just why in the hell would he select her mother as his running mate? Shouldn't McCain have known the uproar that would result? Why would McCain subject the Palin family to this type of politics?

Or did McCain somehow not know about it... Could it be that Palin not properly vetted? Was McCain's decision that hastily made?

...I'll ask: Why? about "Why not?"

How many pols have you heard of whose children had drug and alcohol problems, got booted out of bars, got in all sorts of trouble for this or that or the other thing? Yet, the parent went about their political careers and simply hoped that simple human decency would leave their children out of bounds?

Reagan, Bush 41 and 43, Gore, good Lord, I can think of tons of them. Doesn't it stand to simple reason that if you have kids, regardless of and maybe especially if you are in the public light, there will be problems and issues? In short, isn't that normal?

In short, shouldn't this be a great big "So what?"


They call me ... Sarcasmo
...I'll ask: Why? about "Why not?"

How many pols have you heard of whose children had drug and alcohol problems, got booted out of bars, got in all sorts of trouble for this or that or the other thing? Yet, the parent went about their political careers and simply hoped that simple human decency would leave their children out of bounds?

Reagan, Bush 41 and 43, Gore, good Lord, I can think of tons of them. Doesn't it stand to simple reason that if you have kids, regardless of and maybe especially if you are in the public light, there will be problems and issues? In short, isn't that normal?

In short, shouldn't this be a great big "So what?"

Hell, Ted Kennedy KILLED a person, didn't seem to harm his career any, other than the fact that he would never reside @ 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.