
Larry Gude

Strung Out

Or did McCain somehow not know about it... Could it be that Palin not properly vetted? Was McCain's decision that hastily made?

...the story's I've read say that she, and several others, have been on the list since he took a strong lead after Super Tuesday.

You seem not like the choice and that's fine. Was there a choice that would have made you vote McCain anyway? Her hubby's DWI, the pregnancy, the spat with the trooper ex-brother in law. That's not scaring anyone, it seems, except those who aren't gonna vote for him anyway.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Hell, Ted Kennedy KILLED a person, didn't seem to harm his career any, other than the fact that he would never reside @ 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. SOOOO unfair. How do you know he actually killed her, huh? I am outraged at the mere suggestion as though this is a big deal or something. You are simply trying to painting him in an ugly light and that's not nice. I mean, Jesus Kom, it's not like he has a pregnant teenage daughter or something truly terrible like that.

You bastard!


Obama destroyed America
You've gotta ask yourself: if McCain was already aware that 17 y.o. Bristol Palin was pregnant, just why in the hell would he select her mother as his running mate? Shouldn't McCain have known the uproar that would result? Why would McCain subject the Palin family to this type of politics?

Or did McCain somehow not know about it... Could it be that Palin not properly vetted? Was McCain's decision that hastily made?
from the Washington Post...

Rick Davis, McCain's campaign manager and the person at the point of the vice presidential process, said there was no abrupt change of course in the final hours. Nor, he said, was Palin selected without having gone through the full vetting process that was done for other finalists. That process included reviews of financial and other personal data, an FBI background check and considerable discussion among the handful of McCain advisers involved in the deliberations.

"Nobody was vetted less or more than anyone in the final stages, and John had access to all that information and made the decision," Davis said. "It's really not much more complicated than that."

The Oyster Guy

New Member
...the story's I've read say that she, and several others, have been on the list since he took a strong lead after Super Tuesday.

You seem not like the choice and that's fine. Was there a choice that would have made you vote McCain anyway? Her hubby's DWI, the pregnancy, the spat with the trooper ex-brother in law. That's not scaring anyone, it seems, except those who aren't gonna vote for him anyway.

But the battle for votes centers around the moderates and independents, not the die-hards from the left or the right.

And when you compare the news surrounding the VP selections for both parties, you get two vastly different stories... Joe Biden, the democrat, is widely recognized as a solid candidate for the office; while Palin, the unknown republican, is instantly beset by a wave of negative coverage. So in the eyes of the undecided voters, Obama has easily bested McCain in the competition for most prudently selected running mate.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Shouldn't McCain have known the uproar that would result? Why would McCain subject the Palin family to this type of politics?

Why would *McCain* subject them to this?????


I'm sorry, I must have missed where MCCAIN is the one making nasty remarks about this girl and dragging her name through the mud.

He's a pretty smart dude, so it's possible that he saw Bristol Palin's pregnancy as a plus - to encourage just this sort of viciousness from the Left and expose them for what they are. I must say, you all are taking the bait rather admirably.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

But the battle for votes centers around the moderates and independents, not the die-hards from the left or the right.

And when you compare the news surrounding the VP selections for both parties, you get two vastly different stories... Joe Biden, the democrat, is widely recognized as a solid candidate for the office; while Palin, the unknown republican, is instantly beset by a wave of negative coverage. So in the eyes of the undecided voters, Obama has easily bested McCain in the competition for most prudently selected running mate. honestly think that an independent or moderate or other undecided is going to say 'no' to McCain because his veeps 17 year old is going to have a baby? Especially when the other choice, Obama, is surrounded and supported by a party that thinks McCain's veeps daughter having a baby is grounds for dismissal???????


The Oyster Guy

New Member honestly think that an independent or moderate or other undecided is going to say 'no' to McCain because his veeps 17 year old is going to have a baby? Especially when the other choice, Obama, is surrounded and supported by a party that thinks McCain's veeps daughter having a baby is grounds for dismissal???????


If the watercooler discussions regarding Palin's nomination have become largely defensive in nature, then Palin was a poor candidate. And if Palin is a poor candidate, then that speaks to McCain's ability to make good decisions in critically important matters.


Can we talk about Bristols boyfriend or is he off limits too? Just wondering because I just saw some good quotes.


If the watercooler discussions regarding Palin's nomination have become largely defensive in nature, then Palin was a poor candidate. And if Palin is a poor candidate, then that speaks to McCain's ability to make good decisions in critically important matters.

Thus is the problem. There is NOONE on the planet a GOP candidate could have chosen that would not be attacked by the left and have to be defended.

That is the modern democrat legacy. Bitter, nasty attack dogs who should all die in raging fires.


New Member
Thus is the problem. There is NOONE on the planet a candidate could have chosen that would not be attacked by the either and have to be defended.

That is the modern democrat legacy. Bitter, nasty attack dogs who should all die in raging fires.

it is both sides, not just the left.....

The Oyster Guy

New Member
Thus is the problem. There is NOONE on the planet a GOP candidate could have chosen that would not be attacked by the left and have to be defended.

Not true. There are a multitude of republican candidates that are capable of defending THEMSELVES, because they've already been throw into that fire and walked out the other side. Sadly, Palin ain't been there yet... she's on her way right now, but it's a helluva time to take that trip.

Poor choice by McCain.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Why would you want to talk about her daughters boyfriend?

It's called fallout. If you're even remotely associated with a Republican politician, you are fair game for the most vile attacks.

Of course, we are not allowed to discuss Barack Obama's personal friends, political advisers and business associates. But by all means, let's go after the VP candidate's daughter's boyfriend.


THIS, people, is why I will NEVER vote for a Democrat - EVER.


New Member
It's called fallout. If you're even remotely associated with a Republican politician, you are fair game for the most vile attacks.

Of course, we are not allowed to discuss Barack Obama's personal friends, political advisers and business associates. But by all means, let's go after the VP candidate's daughter's boyfriend.


THIS, people, is why I will NEVER vote for a Democrat - EVER.

we have been talking about them for months now.....

as far as this girl being knocked up, i feel it is a non-issue. some of the more conservative folks may think it indicates something about Palin's morals, family values etc.