
Larry Gude

Strung Out

Who said anything about attacking him? People make fun of kids on myspace all the time. It had nothing to do with politics. Man, so defensive. I don't care who she dates, if she's pregnant or if she worships pumpkins. This dude was funny! That's all. Funny!

...he funny enough for his perhaps soon to be mother in law to be vice president? Or, is he too funny for her to be veep? For that matter, how funny should he be in order for her to be qualified to be vice president?

How about Joe Biden? Any of his kids or friends or lovers funny? Mildly amusing? How does that affect his candidacy?

We need to KNOW these things!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Psst BTW, I'm a democrat. I accept people for who they are. You don't have to convince me it's ok to have a baby unwed. My sister (Claudia's mom) was a unwed teenager. I'm ok with it.

...that's nice Cam. How does it feel to be the only one?



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Who said anything about attacking him? People make fun of kids on myspace all the time. It had nothing to do with politics. Man, so defensive. I don't care who she dates, if she's pregnant or if she worships pumpkins. This dude was funny! That's all. Funny!

I'm sure there was a reason why you went trolling this kid's MySpace in the first place.



...he funny enough for his perhaps soon to be mother in law to be vice president? Or, is he too funny for her to be veep? For that matter, how funny should he be in order for her to be qualified to be vice president?

How about Joe Biden? Any of his kids or friends or lovers funny? Mildly amusing? How does that affect his candidacy?

We need to KNOW these things!

I don't know. :shrug: Who cares about those things?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I don't know. :shrug: Who cares about those things?

Do yourself a favor; DON'T watch the news for awhile. DON'T read a newspaper for awhile and, whatever you do, DO NOT watch the politico talking heads for awhile. They're really big into crap like that and more.

You;d be outraged, so, best to lay low for awhile until they've had their fill.


Do yourself a favor; DON'T watch the news for awhile. DON'T read a newspaper for awhile and, whatever you do, DO NOT watch the politico talking heads for awhile. They're really big into crap like that and more.

You;d be outraged, so, best to lay low for awhile until they've had their fill.

Okie dokie. Thanks for the tip!
Look, not everyone has the same opinion as the media or extreme leftists. Do you have the same opinion as the extreme righties?


No Use for Donk Twits
If the watercooler discussions regarding Palin's nomination have become largely defensive in nature, then Palin was a poor candidate. And if Palin is a poor candidate, then that speaks to McCain's ability to make good decisions in critically important matters.

I don't know where you work, but the discussions I've been having are Democrats trying to defend the rumor mongering from the nutcases. Those are the defensive arguments. Seems too many from the left are scared $hitless of Palin. We've heard every excuse of why she is a poor choice in Democrats' eyes. Well, here's a clue. They aren't going to vote for her anyway! And these attacks are viewed by independents and moderates as mean spirited and unnecessary. Really stoooopid tack to take.

The Oyster Guy

New Member
Your side is nastier and more vile and always has been. It is a fact to me, I believe it wholeheartedly and I am pretty sure most of the non window lickers agree. It is just the way it is.

My side? I don't have a side... I'm a member of George Washington's party.

The Oyster Guy

New Member
That so? You mean how cool it is that she's having the baby? That Joe supports her and loves her? Or do you, honestly, think that ANYONE would suggest that Joe Biden is unfit to be veep BECAUSE his daughter is going to have a baby???

Naw, if Joe's daughter were preggers, we would almost certainly be hearing comments from the Rushbots like "It must have been the sex education classes!", or maybe "She did it for the welfare!", or "Yep, she's definitely a democrat: seventeen, unwed and pregnant!"


New Member
If you think it's funny to attack a 17 year old kid for political gain, by all means, yuk it up. Just know what it makes you look like.

it makes em look just like all the right wing nutties who have been retelling the same old lies about obama for the last few months. you know, the things that have been asked and refuted, but were continutally brought up as "facts" by the right.

its all dirty politics, but anyone entering the presidential election arena did so understanding that this is where it always goes.


Naw, if Joe's daughter were preggers, we would almost certainly be hearing comments from the Rushbots like "It must have been the sex education classes!", or maybe "She did it for the welfare!", or "Yep, she's definitely a democrat: seventeen, unwed and pregnant!"

Ding ding ding! Ok, maybe not by the peeps here but by the old tired republicans that are surely having heart attacks all over the country but can't admit that they are appauled. Come on, you know they're out there.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Okie dokie. Thanks for the tip!
Look, not everyone has the same opinion as the media or extreme leftists. Do you have the same opinion as the extreme righties? a matter of fact, I do;

I am pro gun.
Abortion IS infanticide.
I am for tax cuts.
I am in favor of hunting. Lots of it.
I am favor of cutting wasteful spending.

I am in favor of strong families and good relationships and LISTENING to those that have them

I am in favor of drilling and being energy independent. Tomorrow.

And so forth.
I can accept her being a person of faith.


Larry Gude

Strung Out

Naw, if Joe's daughter were preggers, we would almost certainly be hearing comments from the Rushbots like "It must have been the sex education classes!", or maybe "She did it for the welfare!", or "Yep, she's definitely a democrat: seventeen, unwed and pregnant!"

...I think you're worng, but, OK.

You guys keep attacking her on this stuff and projecting your objections on other people. Feel free.



Ding ding ding! Ok, maybe not by the peeps here but by the old tired republicans that are surely having heart attacks all over the country but can't admit that they are appauled. Come on, you know they're out there.

Well, I didn't have a heart attack, but I am totally appalled and disgusted by this Palin chick, and her inability to keep it in her pants.

Which is why I will not be voting for Bristol Palin this November.

There. I said it.


Well, I didn't have a heart attack, but I am totally appalled and disgusted by this Palin chick, and her inability to keep it in her pants.

Which is why I will not be voting for Bristol Palin this November.

There. I said it.



...I think you're worng, but, OK.

You guys keep attacking her on this stuff and projecting your objections on other people. Feel free.


How many times does one have to say they don't care who or what Palin's daughter sleeps with before you guys leave it alone?
Who is attacking her? Why do you keep saying "you guys"? I have said the complete opposite yet you keep lumping my in this category. Why do you do that?


Super Genius
How many times does one have to say they don't care who or what Palin's daughter sleeps with before you guys leave it alone?
Who is attacking her? Why do you keep saying "you guys"? I have said the complete opposite yet you keep lumping my in this category. Why do you do that?
Probably because you keep discussing it. :shrug: