Russian warships arrive in Cuba ahead of military exercises, tensions with West over Ukraine


Well-Known Member
"The deployment comes amid increased tensions between Moscow and Washington over U.S. support for Ukraine"

Yuh think!? What gave it away!?

Thanks, President Commie Houseplant!

A fleet of Russian warships arrived Wednesday off Cuban waters ahead of planned military exercises in the region as part of what some perceived as Moscow's attempt to show its strength as tensions with the West grow over the war in Ukraine.

The naval ships included three vessels accompanied by small boats. The flagship frigate, adorned with the Russian and Cuban flags, was greeted by 21 cannon salutes. Sailors in dress uniform stood in military formation as they approached the island.

A nuclear-powered submarine was expected to arrive behind them. Cuba’s foreign ministry said last week that the ships will be in Havana between June 12 and June 17.
