Rx theft..

what would you do if your neighbor.. came into your house while you were away and took your prescription medicine out the bottle .. leaving behind 4 pills out of 30? It's not like it can be proved, however there is no doubt where the meds went..


daisycreek said:
what would you do if your neighbor.. came into your house while you were away and took your prescription medicine out the bottle .. leaving behind 4 pills out of 30? It's not like it can be proved, however there is no doubt where the meds went..

Do they have access to your house (permission) or did they break in?
daisycreek said:
what would you do if your neighbor.. came into your house while you were away and took your prescription medicine out the bottle .. leaving behind 4 pills out of 30? It's not like it can be proved, however there is no doubt where the meds went..
I assume this is prescribed meds and that you need to get the prescription refilled to replace the missing doses. I also assume this is most likely a med that the pharmacist and/or doc isn't going to be happy about having to replace just because you say so... so therefore, wouldn't it behoove you to file a police report so that you can have something to use to get your replacement drugs...:confused:
they were never given permission to come into the house.. they knew my parents were not home and that they do not lock the doors, becuz another member of the family lives right next door (plus in the boonies) they came in knowing what they wanted and where to find it.


Nice lady!
daisycreek said:
they were never given permission to come into the house.. they knew my parents were not home and that they do not lock the doors, becuz another member of the family lives right next door (plus in the boonies) they came in knowing what they wanted and where to find it.

I'd take Kwillia's advice if I were you. It probably can't be proven who took them but still...at least you'd have the report. It might also scare the person who stole them if they know you called the cops. :shrug:


New Member
daisycreek said:
they were never given permission to come into the house.. they knew my parents were not home and that they do not lock the doors, becuz another member of the family lives right next door (plus in the boonies) they came in knowing what they wanted and where to find it.

Stop writing now. Spread a rumor of the Pharmacy replacing your "lost" meds, take your pescription bottle. Place it back were it belongs full of poison. Problem solved.


daisycreek said:
they were never given permission to come into the house.. they knew my parents were not home and that they do not lock the doors, becuz another member of the family lives right next door (plus in the boonies) they came in knowing what they wanted and where to find it.

You will probably need to file a report to replace the meds if they weren't something simple like antibiotics. Doctors and pharmacists have to adhere to strict guidelines and druggy neighbors...Oops...it's gone, don't suffice.

If you can't move away from that situation you will need to find a place to hide everything that neighbor might want.

That sucks.


Well-Known Member
daisycreek said:
what would you do if your neighbor.. came into your house while you were away and took your prescription medicine out the bottle .. leaving behind 4 pills out of 30? It's not like it can be proved, however there is no doubt where the meds went..

Sounds like you need to start locking the doors at all times.


Happy Camper
Definitely file a police report! At least that way the medication can be replaced without too much trouble. And even though it can't be "proven," make sure to let it be known where you believe the meds disappeared to! Never hurts to put a "bee" in the bonnet of the proper officials! Hope everything works out for you and your folks. :huggy:


New Member
daisycreek said:
what would you do if your neighbor.. came into your house while you were away and took your prescription medicine out the bottle .. leaving behind 4 pills out of 30? It's not like it can be proved, however there is no doubt where the meds went..
Right now? I'd kick his/her ass. I'd rob their house and get them back. Right now I would do that. In a week, I'd probably just kick their azz. What is your addy and when are you getting your next stuff?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Right now? I'd kick his/her ass. I'd rob their house and get them back. Right now I would do that. In a week, I'd probably just kick their azz. What is your addy and when are you getting your next stuff?

I wonder if they are selling it second hand on eBay.


Nothing to see here
RoseRed said:
If it was unlocked you don't need to break in, you just walk in.

Think its called illegal entry, no matter whether the door is locked or not.