Ryder Cup


Well-Known Member
Must say I watched intently... Not many Yanks up to the task!

Euro's got it done...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's a great event...

Airgasm said:
Must say I watched intently... Not many Yanks up to the task!

Euro's got it done...

...and there was just absolute magic yesterday for awhile as guys were dropping bombs all over the place and then getting one dropped on top of them. Chip ins maybe for a win followed by 30 footers to snatch it away. An ace on a 215 yard par 3...great stuff.

It would be nice if it were more competitive but, well, talent wise, we do not have that much of an edge and Euro's simply just get into the team mindset so easy and us lone wolf cowboy types just struggle. We know it and I think it makes the US press and that makes the difference.

I love it when it's held over seas. European fans are more fun. We act like we're at Ozzfest.