SAAMI on Failures of Ballistic Imaging Database



Sporting Arms Industry Statement on
Failures of Ballistic Imaging Database

NEWTOWN, Conn. -- Following an AP article (“NY new-gun database has yet to lead to prosecution,” September 29, 2008) citing the failures of the New York and Maryland ballistic imaging databases, and testimony yesterday in a Washington, D.C. City Council hearing where the Executive Director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence conceded that ballistic imaging has “not been successful,” the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute (SAAMI) – an association of the nation's leading manufacturers of firearms, ammunition and components – released the following statement:

The failure of the New York and Maryland ballistic imaging database systems to solve any crimes in their nearly eight years of existence was predictable. In 2001, California wisely rejected setting up its own ballistics imaging system because research, including by the California Department of Justice, proved that a database of lawfully purchased firearms (that are rarely ever used in crimes) would not be an effective law enforcement tool. Another study released earlier this year by the National Research Council confirmed the findings and advised against setting up a national ballistics imaging system. New York and Maryland have wasted millions of taxpayer dollars on systems doomed to fail.

It is believed that New York has even stopped entering images into its database – with a backlog of over 25,000 cartridge cases -- because the computer server housing the database is offline and isn’t even in the state.

In 2004, a report by the Maryland State Police Forensic Sciences Division concluded that the ballistic imaging system “had not proven to be a time saving tool for the firearms examiner or an investigative enhancement to the criminal investigator,” and that “it has simply failed in the mission and vision concepts originally established for the program.” [emphasis in original.]

These “retail point - of - purchase databases” should be distinguished from the ballistics imaging database of crime scene evidence maintained by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, called the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network, which has had some success in developing investigatory leads.

As the failures of ballistic imaging are becoming known, some gun control advocates that had initially supported mandating ballistic imaging databases are now promoting a new technology, called firearms microstamping.

Firearms Microstamping is the patented process that laser engraves the firearm's make, model and serial number on the tip of the gun's firing pin so that, in theory, it imprints the information on discharged cartridge cases.

Microstamping is a nascent technology that numerous independent studies, including by the NRC, University of California at Davis and renowned forensic scientist Professor George Krivosta, have proven to be unreliable and easily defeated in mere seconds using common household tools. Furthermore, microstamping can be simply evaded by criminals by switching out microstamped parts on a firearm for unmarked spare parts. In fact, yesterday Washington, D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier joined the firearms industry in calling for further research into microstamping prior to any legislative mandate.

While the firearms industry welcomes further independent study of either technology, SAAMI supports allocating taxpayer dollars to proven means of crime reduction such as more police officers and more prosecutors.​

SAAMI was created in 1926 at the request of the U.S. government to create standards related to safety and reliability. Technical excellence is always our goal and safety is always the prerequisite. SAAMI supports science-based solutions to the many issues related to firearms, ammunition and components. Information and a description of the function of each committee is available by visiting the SAAMI Web site at SAAMI | Home.


(I am sure they will ban replacement parts that are not also marked and make it a crime to file down Firing Pins so marked ... like any of this would matter with a stolen Weapon)


Having Fun!

(I am sure they will ban replacement parts that are not also marked and make it a crime to file down Firing Pins so marked ... like any of this would matter with a stolen Weapon)

Yeah, funny how they never seem to realize that it's not the law-abiding gun owner that is the problem... guess that would make too much sense and then they'd have to admit that they don't have a "magic fix" for the crime problem. Darn idiots!:coffee:

Novus Collectus

New Member
A few MD State Police barracks had to be closed in 2008 because of budget shortfalls lessening the number of police officers in some areas......and how many millions are we spending on the ballistics database?
Wouldn't it make much more sense to use that money on something that we know serves the public instead of something that has not proven to work in six years or so?
The General Assembly should be outraged that badly needed funding for needed services they had to cut is being completely wasted on a white elephant.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Blame this guy.

Democrat, District 16, Montgomery County. First elected to the
Senate in 1994. Member of the Senate since 1995. Chair, Judicial
Proceedings Committee. Vice Chair, Senate Rules Committee.
Member, Senate Executive Nominations Committee. Member,
Legislative Policy Committee (Management Subcommittee).
Member, Maryland Green Caucus; Maryland Bicycle and
Pedestrian Caucus. Member of the House of Delegates, 1987–95.
Born in Washington, D.C., October 8, 1946. Montgomery
County Public Schools; Walter Johnson High School; Wesleyan
University, B.A., 1968; Columbia University School of Law, J.D., 1971. Admitted to
Maryland Bar, 1972; District of Columbia Bar, 1972. Member, Montgomery County Bar
Association. Attorney in private practice. Married; 2 children.
Annapolis office: 2 East, Miller Senate Building, 11 Bladen Street, Annapolis, MD 21401; phone:
301-858-3124 or 1-800-492-7122 (toll free). E-mail:​
I've testified before his committee. He always leaves the hearing just before the gun rights people testify and after the gun repression people testify.

Novus Collectus

New Member
Blame this guy.

Democrat, District 16, Montgomery County. First elected to the
Senate in 1994. Member of the Senate since 1995. Chair, Judicial
Proceedings Committee. Vice Chair, Senate Rules Committee.
Member, Senate Executive Nominations Committee. Member,
Legislative Policy Committee (Management Subcommittee).
Member, Maryland Green Caucus; Maryland Bicycle and
Pedestrian Caucus. Member of the House of Delegates, 1987–95.
Born in Washington, D.C., October 8, 1946. Montgomery
County Public Schools; Walter Johnson High School; Wesleyan
University, B.A., 1968; Columbia University School of Law, J.D., 1971. Admitted to
Maryland Bar, 1972; District of Columbia Bar, 1972. Member, Montgomery County Bar
Association. Attorney in private practice. Married; 2 children.
Annapolis office: 2 East, Miller Senate Building, 11 Bladen Street, Annapolis, MD 21401; phone:
301-858-3124 or 1-800-492-7122 (toll free). E-mail:​
I've testified before his committee. He always leaves the hearing just before the gun rights people testify and after the gun repression people testify.

I want to protest with some other people in his district to educate some of his voting constituents just what he has been doing.
From what I hear, the only reason Vallario is not bothering letting votes happen on pro gun bills in the house Judiciary is because he knows Frosh will table every one of them without a Senate committee vote.