Saddle Fitters


Horsey Girl
I tried the number for Susy Coffey that was on the forums earlier but no answer and no answering machine.

Does anyone know if anyone reflocks w/ memory foam ??


New Member
Can a saddle be re-flocked w/ foam without disassembling it? I've only heard of re-flocking in the opposite direction: foam to wool. Interested in hearing experiences with this.


New Member
What Fred Said

Wool, a natural fiber, breathes and disburses pressure. Wool flocked panels conform to the horse's back and help eliminate pressure points.

Saddles with foam panels are very hard to maintain and usually when the foam in the panel breaks down, that is the end of the life of the saddle.

Saddles with wool flocked panels can receive periodic maintenance which will extend the life of the saddle years beyond that of a saddle with foam panels.

Welcome to Equine sports massage

sorry thought I missed something I had to google:killingme

If the saddle is not that old 2-3 yrs you might want to call the maker and see what they offer.


New Member
I am also looking for a saddle fitter. How much does it usually cost? My new guy is alot bigger than my last horse and although I have had some people look at the saddle and give me that ok, I want to double check.


New Member
Nooo, I would highly suggest not going to Gayer's. They'll push you to X-Wide saddles, Knigh rider and Ashley & Clark.

I'm down in Florida on my cell phone but, will try to post some suggestions.

Its interesting to hear that, Everyone I have ever dealt with that has used him before has only had good things to say, all our family's dealing with him have been good.


New Member
My family has had some not so great experiences with Gayers. But I was thinking about them but they thought that they would push me to buying a saddle, which wont be happening. We had bought a saddle from them before that had a lifetime warrenty on the tree. The tree broke so we returned it and they told us a story of this boy who chrashed his car to get a nicer car. This really made my parents mad because the saddle was taken care of better than most saddles and even kept at home and not at a barn.

I still go there if I need something quick cause they are 2 mins from my barn.


New Member
Outback Leather in Laurel, can do a really decent job of fitting your saddle. does it the right way, doesn't just stuff wads of flocking into the little access holes. He'll open it up and completely reflock it. But you have to make an appt for him to see your horse and saddle together.



Horsey Girl
i got in touch with susie coffey and another saddle fitter that was located in the equiery.

unfortunately, i am not sure i will be riding for the next 6 months so i might hold off.