Saints v. Colts

Larry Gude

Strung Out

This should be a GREAT game!

Peyton carved up a great defense yesterday and his boys should do even better against the Saint's good, but not great, defense. However, if the Colts put Peyton at risk like Favre was yesterday, they are gonna take their shots and pummel him. Plus, Brett shoulda thrown maybe four picks yesterday because he can't help himself but also because of some nice schemes by the Saint's. Greggggs boys are gonna get Manning a time or two.

Going the other way, Bree's struggled against a very good Viking D but, BUT avoided critical mistakes. Unlike some people, he ate or threw it away when he just had to.

The big thing missing yesterday for the Saint's was Reggie Bush. It was fascinating seeing him show up so flat after being on fire the week before against the Cards. He is truly a difference maker. When he is ready to play.

Two more things going for the Saint's is that they did do a good job against the two dynamic, explosive d ends of the Vikes. That bodes well for handling, or at least managing, Mathis and Freeney as opposed to being terrorized all game long like Romo was.

Second, Skins fans know Greggg does, as a matter of course, one of the things you MUST do against Manning; a deep safety. He has a great one in Sharper. The Redskins would/coulda beaten the Colts in 2006, when Gregggg and the Skins played a competitive mid season game against the Super bowl bound Colts. Give Williams an offense that can score and doesn't put the d in jam after jam...he can beat anyone.

So, the Colts are smart enough to not let Manning get pulverized, the Saint's can score and actually have more offensive firepower, both D's are good with good schemes, good pressure on the Qb and talent.

Manning will have to play an incredible game to win this.

I'm thinking Saint's, 34-31. In OT. That crazy, clueless kid kicks another storybook finish and is never heard from again! :yahoo:



I'm not seeing the Saints winning this game. I think Peyton is going to pick them apart. If it was for all the fumbles yesterday by the Vikes, the Saints wouldn't even be in it.


Go Saints.......:yahoo:

It's mayem in coonass country.....God bless 'em....:patriot:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm not seeing the Saints winning this game. I think Peyton is going to pick them apart. If it was for all the fumbles yesterday by the Vikes, the Saints wouldn't even be in it.

I agree.

And, the Colts will be and should be favored. However, there is a solid case to be made for the Saint's! :buddies:


I agree.

And, the Colts will be and should be favored. However, there is a solid case to be made for the Saint's! :buddies:

I'm not trying to take anything away from the Saints. They have a hell of a team this season. I'm just bitter because I want a Manning/Farve super bowl. :killingme


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Even with a lethal case of fumbleitis the Vikes almost pulled it out. I think they were playing way too conservative on 1st down of the last series, they had the chance to cut the jugular but chose to play for the FG.

What other team does that sound like?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Even with a lethal case of fumbleitis the Vikes almost pulled it out. I think they were playing way too conservative on 1st down of the last series, they had the chance to cut the jugular but chose to play for the FG.

I don't think they had a choice. They started out going after it, playing wide open, and it about got Favre killed. :shrug:

On their possession before the last int, when Peterson ripped off that 28 yard run, I wanted them to just keep pounding it and take their chances that he would fumble no more. They were started to dominate on the ground. They drive to a field goal on that possession, game. Instead, after the run, Brett just started slinging 3 straight to nowhere and a punt.

Good God Larry! Have you no decency? Have you no compassion in your heart, whatsoever? Have you no concern for the suffering of your fellow man? Do you feel no obligation to respect an appropriate mourning period? In case you hadn't noticed, the sports world, and to a large extent humanity in general, suffered a tremendous loss yesterday - perhaps its greatest loss ever - a loss rivaled in recent memory only by Mr. Watson's falling a hair's-breadth short of winning the Open last July.

We are in mourning man! This is a sad, sad time for America. People are on the edge as it is, wondering from whence they'll find strength to go on. We ask only for a reasonable mourning period in which we are free from these painful realities that you insist on shoving in our face. Can you not give us that? 12 days - we ask only 12 days, then you can move on to these trivial matters you wish to discuss. Then you can have your 'Super Bowl'. Please, for the sake of all that is holy and just, show some compassion.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Good God Larry! Have you no decency? Have you no compassion in your heart, whatsoever? Have you no concern for the suffering of your fellow man? Do you feel no obligation to respect an appropriate mourning period? In case you hadn't noticed, the sports world, and to a large extent humanity in general, suffered a tremendous loss yesterday - perhaps its greatest loss ever - a loss rivaled in recent memory only by Mr. Watson's falling a hair's-breadth short of winning the Open last July.

We are in mourning man! This is a sad, sad time for America. People are on the edge as it is, wondering from whence they'll find strength to go on. We ask only for a reasonable mourning period in which we are free from these painful realities that you insist on shoving in our face. Can you not give us that? 12 days - we ask only 12 days, then you can move on to these trivial matters you wish to discuss. Then you can have your 'Super Bowl'. Please, for the sake of all that is holy and just, show some compassion.

Are we not better served by just sucking it up, as our four (or, was it five? Whatever...) fathers did, and moving forward? Are we doomed to, forever, declare national holidays, formal mourning periods and deploy, yet again, crisis counselors for EVERYTHING?

My intent is not to disparage or to demean or to trivialize, in any way, the sense of loss for I, too, have felt loss and, frankly, no small amount of personal embarrassment and discomfort for my man crush failure and attendant constant ridicule by otter of same.

However, that said, in any event, heretofore and forthwith I say to you all, in the deepest affection, sincerest positivity and heartfelt desire to see a better day, in the heartfelt words of my dear 8 year old niece...

What ev errrrrrrrr.


Nothing to see here
I'm thinking Saint's, 34-31. In OT. That crazy, clueless kid kicks another storybook finish and is never heard from again! :yahoo:


Agree on game outcome.

On another note..Why the hell did FOX give player of the game to the kicker?? He kicked one "VERY MAKEABLE" fg to win the game..If he had done something extraordinary, I have no problem with a specialist getting the player of the game..But one fg and he gets player of the game?? silly..

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Agree on game outcome.

On another note..Why the hell did FOX give player of the game to the kicker?? He kicked one "VERY MAKEABLE" fg to win the game..If he had done something extraordinary, I have no problem with a specialist getting the player of the game..But one fg and he gets player of the game?? silly..

I suppose it was the spirit of the moment. I was thinking this kid is either gonna make the worse miss in the history of the game and maybe even whiff or just flush nut it.

He'll never pay for a drink in Nola again. :buddies: