salesman in chief


PREMO Member
Boom: Record 27 million guns bought in 2016

The administration's constant, but failed, efforts to impose gun control, and threats by Clinton to double down on those efforts, also pushed gun sales to record highs.

In fact, Obama was often called the "salesman in chief" for the gun industry.

Since the election, however, sales have slipped as fears about gun bans and ammo taxes and registration died with Clinton's busted bid. December, for example, was the first month where sales did not match the previous December's, when background checks reached 3.3 million.

Justin Anderson, marketing director for one of the nation's biggest gun sellers, Hyatt Gun Store of Charlotte, N.C., told Secrets, "We are pleased to see more and more Americans taking responsibility for their own personal safety. Not only are they buying guns at a record pace, but they are also getting trained and preparing themselves"


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I expect The pace will start to drop shortly and a lot of the smaller start ups will drop out of business.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I expect The pace will start to drop shortly and a lot of the smaller start ups will drop out of business.

An interesting observation....I suspect you are right. Funny too, because I'm in the application phase now. But not for anything remotely resembling my core business or really even for additional net income. Just taking a hobby to the next level, for the most part, and expanding greatly the kinds of smithing I can do for friends and family.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
My opinion is based on the fact that both the AR and 1911 markets are flooded.

there are literally dozens of companies manufacturing 1911's and probably over 100 making ARs. I think many of them will be the first to go.