Same-sex wife of Army officer banned from Club


PREMO Member
... sad equal protection under the law and all that

it is still disgusting ..........


In My Opinion
like I said
the government can force the law to let them play house, but they cant force people to agree they are married.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
Same-sex wife of Army officer banned from joining Fort Bragg spouses club - U.S. News

The newlywed wife of a female lieutenant colonel stationed at Fort Bragg, the largest Army installation in the country, has been denied membership in a base club for officers’ spouses, igniting accusations from a national military spouses organization that the woman was blackballed only because she is a lesbian.

Some Army officer with a previous-promising career just heard the engine of that career sputter into silence.
This is not that hard. While DC recognizes gay marriage (apparently this is where they were "married"), North Carolina does not. The association is for spouses. By definition, in N.C, you can not be a "wife" of a female, ergo you are not considered a spouse (in NC). Application denied. At least until there is a Federal law that changes that.

If you want to go to DC and join a spouse group, feel free to do so.


Well-Known Member
This is just another case where the Federal Govt. couldn't get it's sh!t together and is letting states helter skelter state laws. The Feds could have possibly avoided the entire gay marriage issue by extending full federal benefits for civil unions aka survivor benefits ss benefits, but if it is raining outside you can't get the dems and repubs to even agree on that anymore. It is actually coming down to every state fending for itself, because the morons on capital hole can't agree on anything related to running this country.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
This is just another case where the Federal Govt. couldn't get it's sh!t together and is letting states helter skelter state laws. The Feds could have possibly avoided the entire gay marriage issue by extending full federal benefits for civil unions aka survivor benefits ss benefits, but if it is raining outside you can't get the dems and repubs to even agree on that anymore. It is actually coming down to every state fending for itself, because the morons on capital hole can't agree on anything related to running this country.

This is a serious question. (With all due respect) Are you serious?

The Federal Government doesn't have that kind of power granted to it.

10th Amendment:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. Tenth Amendment | U.S. Constitution | LII / Legal Information Institute

The Tenth Amendment is similar to an earlier provision of the Articles of Confederation: "Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled. Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In My Opinion
This is a serious question. (With all due respect) Are you serious?

The Federal Government doesn't have that kind of power granted to it.

10th Amendment:

you are so sexy when you talk constitution

sorry FH:buddies:


Resident PIA
This is a serious question. (With all due respect) Are you serious?

The Federal Government doesn't have that kind of power granted to it.

10th Amendment:

Thank you

But you do realize oeiople who support Barry believe the constitution is flawed because it doesn't give the federal government enough power to help us. Dead serious, two constituitional scholars, who should know that the constitution was desgined to limit government power, now see that constituion as flawed.


Active Member
Thank you

But you do realize oeiople who support Barry believe the constitution is flawed because it doesn't give the federal government enough power to help us. Dead serious, two constituitional scholars, who should know that the constitution was desgined to limit government power, now see that constituion as flawed.

I don't think there is a problem with thinking the Constitution is flawed as long as you recognize you have to obey it as it currently stands. If nobody ever thought the Constitution was flawed, there would not be 27 amendments for example. The key is you have to take the Constitution as it is, and if you want to change it, you have to the amendment process as outlined in the Constitution (which is not easy--but thats probably how it should be when you are amending the Constitution--not to be taken lightly)


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
[Simply put] The US Constitution represents what WE, the PEOPLE want and grants certain powers to the federal government. We do not get rights from the government, so WE do not need to obey it (the US Constitution), per se. It is there to protect WE the People's rights. From the federal government.

It also protects the individual and sovereign states' rights. So that the federal government doesn't overstep it's bounds of power.

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. U.S. Constitution | U.S. Constitution | LII / Legal Information Institute
Maybe we should have a US Constitution forum here for discussion. :nerd:


Resident PIA
[Simply put] The US Constitution represents what WE, the PEOPLE want and grants certain powers to the federal government. We do not get rights from the government, so WE do not need to obey it (the US Constitution), per se. It is there to protect WE the People's rights. From the federal government.

It also protects the individual and sovereign states' rights. So that the federal government doesn't overstep it's bounds of power.

Maybe we should have a US Constitution forum here for discussion. :nerd:

That's the part people miss, or care to misinterpret.
That's the part that liberals believe is flawed, the fundamental principle that was the basis for the constitution, that it LIMITS what the federal government can do. Because the framers wanted to allow the people, and the states, to decide how they would govern their lives.