Sanner's Lake Website


Well-Known Member
Do not go there. It has several viruses.

I will advise when we have a new provider, hopefully with a more secure network.


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Staff member
PREMO Member
2A told me not to go there days ago because he saw a memo somewhere (not on their site). It said just pulling up the SL site will cause you to get a few viruses automatically.


New Member
Yep, its a trojan.dropper, and is a real bear to clean. Don't ask how I know this. A big :smack: to the hackers, whoever they are.


Well-Known Member
edinsomd said:
Yep, its a trojan.dropper, and is a real bear to clean. Don't ask how I know this. A big :smack: to the hackers, whoever they are.

o fun. I actually haven't been messing with stuff like that in ages, but back when i was really into it i remember getting some like that (can't remember if it was exactly that type, similar though) and boy were they FUN to get rid of :sarcasm: :lmao:


edinsomd said:
Yep, its a trojan.dropper, and is a real bear to clean. Don't ask how I know this. A big :smack: to the hackers, whoever they are.

I dropped one on the floor the other night


Well-Known Member
Good idea

blacklabman said:
... when we have a new provider, hopefully with a more secure network.

That's a good idea; I've been there several times and found the site hacked, and got caught by this virus (two weeks ago tomorrow, and my computer is still not back from the NMCI gods) as well. Would be much less likely with a hosting service that cared or knew what they were doing.