Santa Claus gets caught up in the culture wars


Asperger's Poster Child

The most fundamental political truth about America is that we are a people divided. Left/right, blue state/red state, soccer mom/NASCAR dad: However you want to depict it, the divide in American culture is deep and getting deeper.

But I’m secretly glad that "Bad Santa" is there to remind us that the image of Santa Claus still belongs to us, not the Ministry for the Preservation of Sacred Cows.

I say we should disband that ministry and burn its offices down. I see too much hypocrisy on both the left and the right, too much squealing when each side's oxen get gored. Let's gore everyone's oxen and be done with it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
right-wing gossiphound Matt Drudge
I got that far and didn't read any further. Whoever wrote the piece is obviously a screaming leftist who doesn't know jack.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
I got that far and didn't read any further. Whoever wrote the piece is obviously a screaming leftist who doesn't know jack.

Well, I wasn't trying to gauge the author's own political views. I was more interested in the idea that both sides in the culture war could use some cooling off.