Santorum beats Romney in Iowa...


Main Streeter

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I hope Mitt loses SC.

We, the nation, NEED this race to go on. There is NO template at this point, no basic narrative as to why Obama needs to be beaten in reference to the obvious; what THEN?

If Mitt or Rick or even Paul will be nothing more than an R version of what we've been doing wrong for 12 years, Too Big To Fail, America Second (or third or fourth) then there is no point in winning the WH. None.

There HAS to be a rationale. An argument as to what SHOULD be done. Opposition, being against, is not enough at this point in our history. Not nearly enough.

No Obamacare. Fine. What then? The status quo?
Immigration reform. Control of our borders.
Energy. More, MORE MORE, cheaper, cheaper cheaper
Housing; a reset of the balance sheets.
The wars; iraq? A'stan? Iran? What now? Why?
Entitlements; what to do, why and how?
