Sarah Palin: the mum who's running for VP


Ubi bene ibi patria
"The US media and blogosphere is calling Sarah Palin a "brilliant" pick for John McCain's running mate, yet it all smells a bit too cynical.

* Young - TICK

* Female - TICK

* A mum (of five) - TICK

* An outsider - TICK

* Hunts and shoots - TICK

* Against abortion and same-sex marriage - TICK

* Has mixed-race credentials (her husband is Yup-ik Eskimo) - TICK

She is less a running mate, more a collection of polling qualities. "

"It's no secret that the Republican party has gone from a party that advocates a small government that stays out of Americans' personal lives to a party that meddles only when it suits them - to enact tax breaks for the wealthiest, to chip away at abortion rights through any means available, to make sure that gays and lesbians know for darn sure that the government disapproves of who they are."

Alpha Mummy - Times Online - WBLG: Sarah Palin: the mum who's running for vice president


NOT Politically Correct!!
"The US media and blogosphere is calling Sarah Palin a "brilliant" pick for John McCain's running mate, yet it all smells a bit too cynical.

* Young - TICK

* Female - TICK

* A mum (of five) - TICK

* An outsider - TICK

* Hunts and shoots - TICK

* Against abortion and same-sex marriage - TICK

* Has mixed-race credentials (her husband is Yup-ik Eskimo) - TICK

She is less a running mate, more a collection of polling qualities. "

"It's no secret that the Republican party has gone from a party that advocates a small government that stays out of Americans' personal lives to a party that meddles only when it suits them - to enact tax breaks for the wealthiest, to chip away at abortion rights through any means available, to make sure that gays and lesbians know for darn sure that the government disapproves of who they are."

Alpha Mummy - Times Online - WBLG: Sarah Palin: the mum who's running for vice president

:lmao: Feel better???


No Use for Donk Twits
"The US media and blogosphere is calling Sarah Palin a "brilliant" pick for John McCain's running mate, yet it all smells a bit too cynical.

* Young - TICK

* Female - TICK

* A mum (of five) - TICK

* An outsider - TICK

* Hunts and shoots - TICK

* Against abortion and same-sex marriage - TICK

* Has mixed-race credentials (her husband is Yup-ik Eskimo) - TICK

She is less a running mate, more a collection of polling qualities. "

"It's no secret that the Republican party has gone from a party that advocates a small government that stays out of Americans' personal lives to a party that meddles only when it suits them - to enact tax breaks for the wealthiest, to chip away at abortion rights through any means available, to make sure that gays and lesbians know for darn sure that the government disapproves of who they are."

Alpha Mummy - Times Online - WBLG: Sarah Palin: the mum who's running for vice president

Nice collection of known qualities. Now just what are Obama's qualities?

"The US media and blogosphere is calling Barack Obama a "The Messiah of America", yet it all smells a bit too cynical.

* Young - TICK

* Half Black - TICK

* A baby daddy (of two!) - TICK

* A Washington outsider (but Chicago insider) - TICK

* Snorts and shoots up - TICK

* For abortion (and against health care for those attempted abortions when the child lives) and same-sex marriage - TICK

* Has mixed-race credentials (mother is white and grandmother is 'typical white person') - TICK

He is less a candidate, more a collection of polling qualities. "

"It's no secret that the Democrat party is still the party that advocates a huge government that meddles daily in Americans' personal lives - to enact tax giveaways for the laziest, to chip away at Constitutional rights through any means available, to make sure that gays and lesbians know for darn sure that the government will ensure that citizens not only tolerate, but must approve of who they are."


Super Genius
Nice collection of known qualities. Now just what are Obama's qualities?

"The US media and blogosphere is calling Barack Obama a "The Messiah of America", yet it all smells a bit too cynical.

* Young - TICK

* Half Black - TICK

* A baby daddy (of two!) - TICK

* A Washington outsider (but Chicago insider) - TICK

* Snorts and shoots up - TICK

* For abortion (and against health care for those attempted abortions when the child lives) and same-sex marriage - TICK

* Has mixed-race credentials (mother is white and grandmother is 'typical white person') - TICK

He is less a candidate, more a collection of polling qualities. "

"It's no secret that the Democrat party is still the party that advocates a huge government that meddles daily in Americans' personal lives - to enact tax giveaways for the laziest, to chip away at Constitutional rights through any means available, to make sure that gays and lesbians know for darn sure that the government will ensure that citizens not only tolerate, but must approve of who they are."

Exactly what I was thinking! :high5:


New Member
You forgot:
Sarah- Lifetime NRA Member, avid hunter.
Barry- Anti-second Amendment, wants my scary looking black rifle banned.


"The US media and blogosphere is calling Sarah Palin a "brilliant" pick for John McCain's running mate, yet it all smells a bit too cynical.

* Young - TICK

* Female - TICK

* A mum (of five) - TICK

* An outsider - TICK

* Hunts and shoots - TICK

* Against abortion and same-sex marriage - TICK

* Has mixed-race credentials (her husband is Yup-ik Eskimo) - TICK

She is less a running mate, more a collection of polling qualities. "

"It's no secret that the Republican party has gone from a party that advocates a small government that stays out of Americans' personal lives to a party that meddles only when it suits them - to enact tax breaks for the wealthiest, to chip away at abortion rights through any means available, to make sure that gays and lesbians know for darn sure that the government disapproves of who they are."

Alpha Mummy - Times Online - WBLG: Sarah Palin: the mum who's running for vice president

Don't vote got her.


Highlander's MPD
You forgot:
Sarah- Lifetime NRA Member, avid hunter.
Barry- Anti-second Amendment, wants my scary looking black rifle banned.

I like Sarah already. She seems pretty cool. It's funny you call Barack Hussain Obama, "Barry." I know he had that as a nickname when he was younger and I'm surprised they don't call him that now. It would make him sound like a true American. John and Sarah v. Barrack Hussain and what's his face.


Driving the Z
You forgot:
Sarah- Lifetime NRA Member, avid hunter.
Barry- Anti-second Amendment, wants my scary looking black rifle banned.

I'm a NRA Life member, so I like her already. She's kinda HOT too :drool:

And... nobody with a name that includes "Hussein" would EVER get my vote for any political office.