Sarah Palin's Alaska on TLC


wandering aimlessly
I would think this clenches the decision to not run for office. Especially when she says she'd rather be out there where she's free than in some stuffy political office.

So I'd say Bristol paved the way for the Palin's to be the next big thing in reality tv.
Sarah Palin's Alaska : TLC


This Space for Rent
I would think this clenches the decision to not run for office. Especially when she says she'd rather be out there where she's free than in some stuffy political office.

So I'd say Bristol paved the way for the Palin's to be the next big thing in reality tv.
Sarah Palin's Alaska : TLC

Yes, I would say that clinches it. Once you go reality TV, I don't want to see you run for office. :yay: