Saudis urged to leave Lebanon.....................


Ubi bene ibi patria
"The Saudi Arabian embassy in Beirut has called on its nationals to leave Lebanon a day after a US warship was positioned off the country's coast.

The embassy on Saturday sent SMS messages to Saudis living in Lebanon urging them to leave the country as soon as possible, Al Jazeera's correspondent said.

Saudi Arabia issued an advisory last month urging its citizens not to travel to Lebanon because of deteriorating political and security conditions.

Kuwait and Bahrain followed with similar calls.

Sunni Muslim Saudi Arabia is a major supporter of the Sunni-led government in Lebanon which has been locked in a 15-month-old political standoff with an opposition led by Iranian-and-Syrian backed Hezbollah."

Al Jazeera English - News - Saudis Urged To Leave Lebanon


New Member
Placing the USS Cole there is sending some kind of message. I dont know what it is.

Maybe we can call Hussein Obama on the red phone and ask him.


Ubi bene ibi patria
Placing the USS Cole there is sending some kind of message. I dont know what it is.

Maybe we can call Hussein Obama on the red phone and ask him.

Neither do I. The last time we provided them aircraft to get out of the U.S. after 9/11. Perhaps the USS Cole was sent to get them out of Lebanon. Maybe you can call Booshman on the red phone and ask him. Just be sure not to call at 3 AM!


New Member
Neither do I. The last time we provided them aircraft to get out of the U.S. after 9/11. Perhaps the USS Cole was sent to get them out of Lebanon. Maybe you can call Booshman on the red phone and ask him. Just be sure not to call at 3 AM!

Maybe we should fire a "warning shot"...letting them know what we think of the Saudi Human Rights Commission.:evil: