
Larry Gude

Strung Out now, y'all know we have a new offensive coordinator!

I'll just post what I did in X-skins...

Am I the only one who thinks this is getting absurd?

We have not one but 2 coordinators who would be head coaches today if they wanted to be AND are making more than many head coaches. We had a nearly all star roster of assistants two days ago.

This team is spending $9 million dollars a year on three people, Gibbs, Williams and now Saunders. Williams has his domain, the D, but how do you make decisions with so many chiefs (no pun intended) on the other side of the ball?

How is there stability and consistency, the keys to success, if you bring in a guy that big who will be changing things? If not changing things, why bring him? I thought we needed fine tuning, not an overhaul.

What next? Buy out every players contract at the Pro Bowl and bring them on over? Shell out enough cash to buy ALL 32 first round picks?

Just cast your own Lombardi trophy?

For anyone who remembers Gibbs I, I think they would tell you that a huge part of the attraction, of the joy, was in learning who all these guys are, players and coaches, and growing with them.

Now: Too many chefs in the kitchen.

Too many chiefs, not enough indians.

Too much tail on the kite.

Pick one. It smacks of a few years back, buying in Dion, Bruce, Mark Carrier, Jeff George, of winning the Spring Time Super Bowl.

So, please, anyone. Is there a point when you're got so much going for you that it cheapens the prize or is it simply win at ANY cost?

I'm happy to listen to anyone who can explain to me how Saunders and Gibbs are going to co-coach the offense. Vermeil and Saunders had great numbers but didn't do so good in the W column.

Did anyone list on their off season wish list that we really needed a new offensive coordinator?

I mean, it's a damn long way from needing a #2 WR to changing the whole offense and make no mistake, KC's offense is different. They throw alot more slants, alot more downfield and their running game is all about a mobile O line, not the power guys we have. That's why they just switched from a hurt Holmes to Larry Johnson running wild; it's a great scheme, but it's different than us.

This is striking me as a kid in the candy shop with eyes so big that any list made before hand has just gone out the window and any coherence or plan is likewise.


Set Trippin
Larry Gude said: now, y'all know we have a new offensive coordinator!

I'll just post what I did in X-skins...
Please post some of the responses you get for this one, and do you have your flame proof gear on? :lmao:


Well-Known Member

This is just a guess, but I'm willing to bet that Saunders was brought in to teach Campbell. Gibbs is a master tactician and motivator, but I don't think he really ever had the patience to teach. That's why he was always more enamored with the veteran QB, rather than the newbie.

I think, deep in his heart, Gibbs knows that Brunell will not cut the mustard next year, and he needs someone to teach the kid quickly.

And, just in case, Williams decides he doesn't want to wait for Gibbs to retire, maybe Saunders will????

Larry Gude

Strung Out
So far...

mainman said:
Please post some of the responses you get for this one, and do you have your flame proof gear on? :lmao:


One says you take all the great minds you ca nget and have meetings and consensus and, viola, all better.

In other words there is no 'too many chefs' or 'too many chiefs'...

I've asked if anyone has experience, in any field, will an all-star cast of bosses and how it turned out.

Anyone here?


They call me ... Sarcasmo
NOTHING NASTY??? :lmao: Then no one has read it then. :killingme You are correct a new OC comes right out of left field. DonnieB has what sounds like a rational argument w/ Campbell.

Danny Snyder=East Coast Al Davis.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
They're not all vicious...

BuddyLee said:
:yeahthat: They are vicious over there.:lol:'s just that there is a ton of people over there who post like non stop and they're, well, I guess extreme in that they have this blind faith, our team good or bad thing going on.

It's not impossible but it is hard to get a conversation going about Gibbs in terms of mistakes. Most of them are like "Who are YOU to judge?"

"What do YOU know about football tha tJoe Gibbs doesn't?"

It's a religion with many of them.

There's one named Blondie who actually seems OK but she ripped me a new one and made some comment about church that day. I'm like "yep, off to church so you can come home and be some mean ugly person with a clear consience, huh?"

She didn't have anything to say after that.


Nothing to see here
Have Complete And Total Joe Does No Wrong And When He Does It's Becasue He Meant To And That Is Good As Well

Larry Gude

Strung Out

otter said:
Have Complete And Total Joe Does No Wrong And When He Does It's Becasue He Meant To And That Is Good As Well

...them guys. I call 'em Brunelbots and they HATE that.

"Mark played weelly well dis yeaw and we should allwah thank him perswonallwee."

My sig is "Mark Brunel goes by daycare centers and tells kids there is no Santa"


Nothing to see here
Look at Gibb's record..3 different QBs in winning superbowls, he's not a master coach, he's a master at putting things together and making them work for the best. Look at the people that work for/with him, as you said, an almost all-star ensemble of coaches, are they jumping ship cuz they are unhappy?? I have absolutely no problem with the hiring of Saunders.

During the Cook era, the Skins were a cut above as a great team to play for and Cook didn't skimp on getting guys that Gibbs or Beatherd wanted, no matter the cost. Whats different now??

The way things are now, with the cap, you put the best coaches on the field that you can afford and no matter what my feelings are on the Danny, he puts up the cash.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
yeahbut.... come I can't get anyone to even consider that there may be to many cooks in the kitchen? To many bosses and not enough followers?????? He's not a QB coach; the guy could be a head coach today if he wanted to be.

I just don't get this. We needed to get another credible threat to go with Moss and improve at QB and perhaps that's all Mark needed, another good WR. So, we had a new OC? What's his time in the 40? Are his cuts good? How about his hands? Will he go over the middle?

I mean, you don't go to the store, if all you need is some more BBQ sauce for the ribs to make the picnic perfect and come back with filet mignon and change the menu.

This is just odd to me.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
This is just odd to me.

Yeah, it is odd..Only thing that crosses my mind is that most of the offensive coaching staff is up there in years and they needed a 59 yr old young buck to come in to pump some life into em. As someone said earlier, maybe they are going to make a huge push to get Campbell playing and wanted someone in there to retool the offense to take advantage of his skills. Offensively, with all the great coaches we had this year, we didn't do much..Maybe someone with some fresh ideas to go with what worked this past season might be a good approach..:shrug:


Nothing to see here
Check out Wilbon in the WP this morning, I normally don't care for his opinions but I agree with him on Saunders coming to the skins.