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John 12: 12 The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. 13 They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting,
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”[e]
“Blessed is the king of Israel!”
14 Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, as it is written:
16 At first his disciples did not understand all this. Only after Jesus was glorified did they realize that these things had been written about him and that these things had been done to him.
17 Now the crowd that was with him when he called Lazarus from the tomb and raised him from the dead continued to spread the word. 18 Many people, because they had heard that he had performed this sign, went out to meet him. 19 So the Pharisees said to one another, “See, this is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole world has gone after him!”
d. John 12:13 A Hebrew expression meaning “Save!” which became an exclamation of praise
e. John 12:13 Psalm 118:25,26
f. John 12:15 Zech. 9:9
Wow.... Did you know that Hosanna really meant "save us now"? That's what it means according to one of the commentaries.
The Jews used the word ‘hosanna’ when they were asking a king to help them. It actually meant ‘save us now’. They used this phrase when they wanted the king to save them from their enemies.
Another commentary shows who pointed His message was.Jesus entered the city however, on His own time and forced the whole issue in order that it might happen exactly on the Passover day when the lambs were being sacrificed.
The Pharisees are saying here, that the whole world has gone after Jesus, and these Jewish leaders are not making any ground.
When Jesus called Lazarus out of the tomb after four days.... stinky... rotting... four days dead.... and then came back to have dinner with Lazarus, His disciples and some close friends of Mary, Martha and Lazarus..... word got out... and spread like wildfire. This was a few days before Passover. People from all over Israel... all the descendants of Jacob [Israel] were coming from everywhere with their flocks of sheep.... so they could get to town and set their Passover celebration in order. While they were traveling... they heard about how Jesus had called Lazarus out of the tomb. There were people who saw it... the word was spreading like wildfire... because people saw Lazarus and smelled his rot. So... the world was excited about maybe getting a glimpse of the man who could bring the dead back to life.People figured.... If Jesus was able to bring the dead back to life.... then He must be capable of being their king and running Rome out of Israel. Everyone wanted a king that would run Rome out of town. So.... the idea that a man powerful enough to bring back the dead.... would be the perfect candidate. They were going to make Jesus of Nazareth king.
Now, Jesus was aware of all of this... and He was trying to avoid the conflict... but as He was well aware... bringing Lazarus back to life threw the idea of a quiet Passover out the window. He was on everyone's radar. Time was near..... and He had to make the appropriate statement when He returned to Jerusalem this time.
A king would arrive on a strong steed... a horse.... probably a white horse if they could find one. He would sit tall and be strong and valiant... the people would bow to the king. Jesus arrived on a short little donkey.... a work animal... a pack animal..... a servant's animal.
It was what the people did... not the donkey... what the people did that freaked out the Sadducees and the Pharisees.... they cut down palm branches and laid them for the donkey to tread on.... and they were shouting "Save us now". It was a rebellion in the making. If this intense crowd with their chants "Hosanna... Hosanna...." that was so unnerving.
Almost everyone had their sheep for slaughter with them.... the venders had a huge flock ready for those who couldn't bring their own because of the bandits along the road. They had flocks of sheep ready for purchase and sacrifice. So when Jesus arrived on His donkey.... it was the Savior... on a donkey.... and lots and lots of sheep everywhere... and the crowd [the whole world to them] was chanting "save us now".... "save us now". Chilling and surreal to think about right?
Passover was less than a week ahead. Rome had extra guards on the street to control the crowds. The leaders from both Rome and Israel were growing concerned.... Jesus of Nazareth was causing a crowd.... they were getting frenzied up in their 'Nationalism". This was a very dangerous situation for everyone involved.
I have a link to Al Jazeera on my facebook page..... so I can watch the world.... not just one station. There have been a lot of riots on the news thread lately. Palestinians are rioting against Israeli rule over "their land". The Jews in Israel are saying, of course, that God gave them that land and the Palestinians have got to move. Of course that is causing problems. There are riots in lots of countries these days over the COVID shut downs. There was even a riot in Russia... because a mere man wants to run against leader for control of Russia. In the US.... the people who are upset with the government.... stormed the Capital building. It was reported that they wanted to hang the Vice President and the Speaker of the House. They are really really really upset these days.... and that's what it was like back in the days when Jesus rode into town on a donkey.... not a grand white steed.... a donkey.....
Hubby doesn't read these postings.... but I discuss them with him every afternoon. I was talking about yesterday's lesson on Mary pouring that expensive perfume on His feet. He asked a real question... did she pour it or did she spill it. Was Lazarus stills stinking? Did she have the perfume out to cover the stink? With all those men in the room.... lounging around a table on the floor with their feet sticking out... it must have been a real tripping hazard. Maybe she was just doing as she thought best.... although.... pulling her hair down to mop it up... well that was either quick thinking [no towel handy] or whorish. I wonder what Hubby will bring up when I tell him about Jesus on the donkey in a place where there are flocks and flocks of sheep heading to slaughter.... and the people changing "save us now... save us now".
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