Say cheese!

Debut of the Window on the World
By Judi McLeod

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Big Brother is not only watching you, he's taking your pretty picture.

Zaio, a Calgary-based corporation that trades under the symbol "Zao" on the TSX-V exchange in Canada, is in the process of photographing and appraising each and every property in cities across the United States. "That means every house, commercial building, industrial and institutional structure is being photographed and appraised property-by-property and street-by-street," Zaio claims on its Internet home page. "We call this historic event "Photographing America".


NOT Politically Correct!!
Wish I knew when he plans on arriving at my place for pictures so I can press something against my window for him... :whistle:


chernmax said:
Wish I knew when he plans on arriving at my place for pictures so I can press something against my window for him... :whistle:

haha dont get ideas :)