Scarey joke.... or is it a joke?


Obama destroyed America
Last night I had the strangest dream. It was so real, so life-like and so
> vivid I woke up in a cold sweat. Let me describe it to you briefly...
> 1. Hillary wins the Democratic Party nomination for President of the
> United States
> 2. Naturally, she wants to choose as her running mate someone with a lot
> of knowledge and experience in government and foreign affairs, someone
who is a seasoned campaigner who could bring a lot of strength to the ticket.
Who better than Bill, her husband?!!!
> 3. Hill and Bill go on to win the election in November and the Democrats
> maintain control of the House and the Senate.
> 4. Hillary is sworn in as President on January 20, 2009. The next day,
> after all the inauguration parties are over, she calls a press conference to
> make an announcement: she is resigning as President!!! Bill, as the Vice
> President, immediately becomes President!!! This is all perfectly legal
> under the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, for it states that "no
> person may be elected as president more than twice". Bill is not being
elected for a third term but is merely serving out the remainder of Hillary's
> term---all 4 years of it.
> 5. But wait! There's more! The following day Bill calls a press conference
> to make an announcement. He has chosen someone to fill the now-vacant
> office of Vice President. Guess who he picks? Why, Hillary, of course!!!
So she can run for two more terms.
> 6. Have a nice day, If you can!!!
> ~ Ps. Now I am afraid to go to sleep.


Last night I had the strangest dream. It was so real, so life-like and so
> vivid I woke up in a cold sweat. Let me describe it to you briefly...
> 1. Hillary wins the Democratic Party nomination for President of the
> United States
> 2. Naturally, she wants to choose as her running mate someone with a lot
> of knowledge and experience in government and foreign affairs, someone
who is a seasoned campaigner who could bring a lot of strength to the ticket.
Who better than Bill, her husband?!!!
> 3. Hill and Bill go on to win the election in November and the Democrats
> maintain control of the House and the Senate.
> 4. Hillary is sworn in as President on January 20, 2009. The next day,
> after all the inauguration parties are over, she calls a press conference to
> make an announcement: she is resigning as President!!! Bill, as the Vice
> President, immediately becomes President!!! This is all perfectly legal
> under the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, for it states that "no
> person may be elected as president more than twice". Bill is not being
elected for a third term but is merely serving out the remainder of Hillary's
> term---all 4 years of it.
> 5. But wait! There's more! The following day Bill calls a press conference
> to make an announcement. He has chosen someone to fill the now-vacant
> office of Vice President. Guess who he picks? Why, Hillary, of course!!!
So she can run for two more terms.
> 6. Have a nice day, If you can!!!
> ~ Ps. Now I am afraid to go to sleep.


Pop a top.....relax.