

Well-Known Member
How much would you pay for a hand-knitted scarf? Something like this ...

If you were at a craft show, and someone had scarves like that...different colors, lengths, widths, and some fuzzier than others, would you be interested in buying one?


But wait, there's more...
:yeahthat: If it's really handmade, think about how much time that person spent making it. Even if it wasn't handmade, if you like it, $10 doesn't seem like a bad deal to me. :shrug:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
A lady I used to work with made them last year and was selling them for $15. I've seen them being sold for $30 on up.


New Member
I would pay nothing. Ask me. My mother does it for a hobby and would just charge you for a little above cost - or for just cost.

She will do any color/length/...

PM me.
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Mrs. FireBrand loves to wear scarves.
Today I had to say : "It's 51 degrees out hun, you don't need the scarf!"
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Well-Known Member
Well, I would be making them. It doesn't take all that long....depending on the yarn...anywhere from 3-6 hrs per scarf maybe. I am going to a craft show, and thinking about making scarves, but don't want to get stuck with tons of scarves. Oh, I love scarves, but I already have one of every color almost!


Happy Camper!
Cowgirl said:
Well, I would be making them. It doesn't take all that long....depending on the yarn...anywhere from 3-6 hrs per scarf maybe. I am going to a craft show, and thinking about making scarves, but don't want to get stuck with tons of scarves. Oh, I love scarves, but I already have one of every color almost!
You could always donate them to a local homeless charity or coat drive if you had any left.
Cowgirl said:
Well, I would be making them. It doesn't take all that long....depending on the yarn...anywhere from 3-6 hrs per scarf maybe. I am going to a craft show, and thinking about making scarves, but don't want to get stuck with tons of scarves. Oh, I love scarves, but I already have one of every color almost!
Since you love making them, I would recommend you chose a price that covers your expenses, but doesn't add in a considerable mark-up. You have a better chance selling mass quantities if the consumer feels they are getting a good deal and is more apt to purchase a variety of colors at one time. :shrug:
Hey CG... another thought. I am always a sucker for those Buy one at $x.xx or buy three for $x.xx" where the price of three works out to be less than the cost of three individually. It definitely sways me when I am already considering buying more than one.


Well-Known Member
Elle said:
You could always donate them to a local homeless charity or coat drive if you had any left.

I was thinking of just taking the scarf back to the store with the label from the skein of yarn...and tell them I didn't like the scarf so I wanted my money back for the yarn. Think it'll work?



Well-Known Member
kwillia said:
Hey CG... another thought. I am always a sucker for those Buy one at $x.xx or buy three for $x.xx" where the price of three works out to be less than the cost of three individually. It definitely sways me when I am already considering buying more than one.

Good idea! I'll do that...I need to get my butt busy knitting.