Schiff has 2 aides who worked with whistleblower at White House


PREMO Member
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff recruited two former National Security Council aides who worked alongside the CIA whistleblower at the NSC during the Obama and Trump administrations, the Washington Examiner has learned.

Abigail Grace, who worked at the NSC until 2018, was hired in February, while Sean Misko, an NSC aide until 2017, joined Schiff's committee staff in August, the same month the whistleblower submitted his complaint.

The whistleblower was an NSC official who worked with former Vice President Joe Biden and who has expertise in Ukraine, the Washington Examiner has reported.

A career CIA analyst with Ukraine expertise, the whistleblower aired his concerns about a phone conversation between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to a House Intelligence Committee aide on Schiff’s staff. He had previously informed the CIA’s legal counsel's office.

Schiff initially denied he knew anything about the complaint before it was filed, stating on Sep. 17: “We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. We would like to."


Well-Known Member
It seems everyone knows the WB except Trump.

Bring this hero out in the open, lets hear from him in his own voice.
If he hasn't the balls to appear in person, he shouldn't be allowed to sneak around in the background tossing darts and listening in on confidential or secret phone calls. Why didn't he follow the correct procedure for blowing the whistle.
From what I have been reading the transcript proves his information was wrong yet he started all of this BS anyway.
He needs to be escorted out of his position in handcuffs IMO.


Well-Known Member
You're fooling yourself if you think Trump doesn't know who the WB is.

]I think he knows all right, but there is little he can do about it right now.

But how many other "Deep Staters" are there ready to pimp on him.?