School Board meeting comes to blows.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Ok, typical of So MD news, this information is a week old. According to the Enterprise, school board member, Mary Washington called the police to report an assualt on her person by another school board member, Cathy Allen.

Washington alleged that during a disagreement at last Wednesday's board meeting, Allen grabbed her arm and wouldn't let go. Allen says she merely touched Washington's arm. Washington left the meeting and called police. Officers responded. Witnesses, including other board members support Allen's version of events. No arrests were made.

Aren't both these people up for reelection?


New Member
Mary Washington's a great person and the best member of the current school board... she doesn't seem like the kind of person to make crap up like that.


What a baby! Calling the police because some wench grabs your arm... The DQ must have been looking for her 30 secs of fame. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Ken King
I heard that Kain started it.
I was gonna tell the story but I figured it'd be funnier to sling insults! :roflmao:


New Member
Old School Farts

I think some of the board members have been on the board waaaaayyyyy to long. Perhaps a change would be good. And how petty is that to call the 5-0? Vote for change!


Re: Old School Farts

Originally posted by Aimhigh2000
I think some of the board members have been on the board waaaaayyyyy to long. Perhaps a change would be good. And how petty is that to call the 5-0? Vote for change!
Vote for term limits.