School boards = enemies of the People


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

As school boards across the country have faced increasing backlash from parents over the past year, they have asked President Joe Biden to step in, suggesting that those parents who oppose their curriculum and Covid-safety mandates are like domestic terrorists who are guilty of hate speech.

Education Week reports that the National School Boards Association sent a letter to Biden suggesting that the Patriot Act be enforced against these unruly parents who keep showing up to meetings across the country demanding answers and accountability from the very school boards that control their children’s education.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Heard about that on the radio, going to work this morning.

Between the "extremists in the military witch-hunt, similarly labeling anyone opposing Antifa, BLM or Democrats extremists, and now anyone who dares to think they don't have exclusive rights to brainwash your children... They're going to have a hell of a fight on their hands when this hits the flashpoint.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Heard about that on the radio, going to work this morning.

Between the "extremists in the military witch-hunt, similarly labeling anyone opposing Antifa, BLM or Democrats extremists, and now anyone who dares to think they don't have exclusive rights to brainwash your children... They're going to have a hell of a fight on their hands when this hits the flashpoint.

I suspect that the voters in most of these dystopian nightmares are right on board with it. They don't want to raise their kids - too busy with drugs and booze and Tinder hookups - so they'll pay good money for the schools to do it.

These posts are more of a heads up for sane people in real communities who do care about their children, so they don't get too complacent and think they can take their eye off these aholes. It also illustrates that local elections are important. I don't know about you, but I paid very little attention to whoever was running for school board. Typically I left it blank because I didn't know any of those people and didn't think it made a difference.

Well! Clearly it does make a difference. It wouldn't take a lot to run the candidates down and find out whether they're sociopaths or not, even though they don't really campaign, nor do they have a public political affiliation, and tend to stay on the DL. I'll be paying more attention to them in the future so I can make an educated vote.

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
If I was a younger man I would definitely start a Franchise business of private schools. It is coming to a point you would have to be crazy to send your children to public school.....
Correction .....we are at that point...


PREMO Member
Concerned Parents Are 'Immediate Threat' Says National School Boards Association President—Some Are Even Domestic Terrorists!

Tellingly, Garcia writes that “attacks against school board members and educators for approving policies for masks to protect the health and safety of students and school employees” are also “because of propaganda purporting the false inclusion of critical race theory within classroom instruction and curricula.” She deceptively claims that “critical race theory is not taught in public schools and remains a complex law school and graduate school subject well beyond the scope of a K-12 class.” Tuned-in parents know CRT is taught in public schools but that it has simply been renamed “ethnic studies.” Just ask the teachers’ union.

Like a good little leftist, Garcia throws in the obligatory placation for free speech. “Local school board members want to hear from their communities on important issues,” claims Garcia. “However, there also must be safeguards in place to protect public schools and dedicated education leaders as they do their jobs.” However, also like the left, everything she writes afterward negates that placation. You see, free speech is all well and good until parents don’t agree with the job the school board is doing; then it’s time to sic the feds on them for speaking up while labeling that speech “threats” and “violence.”

“Now, we ask that the federal government investigate, intercept, and prevent the current threats and acts of violence against our public school officials,” writes Garcia, “through existing statutes, executive authority, interagency and intergovernmental task forces, and other extraordinary measures to ensure the safety of our children and educators, to protect interstate commerce, and to preserve public school infrastructure and campuses.” Calling for the federal government to use vague “other extraordinary measures” to “investigate” parents sounds pretty intimidating and threatening to me, Ms. Garcia.


Well-Known Member
Then we have this idiot who is running for Governor of Virginia who flat out stated in a debate that Parent should not have a say in what their kids are taught.

I suppose we will see how many agrees with him when the election is over.


Well-Known Member
Concerned Parents Are 'Immediate Threat' Says National School Boards Association President—Some Are Even Domestic Terrorists!

Tellingly, Garcia writes that “attacks against school board members and educators for approving policies for masks to protect the health and safety of students and school employees” are also “because of propaganda purporting the false inclusion of critical race theory within classroom instruction and curricula.” She deceptively claims that “critical race theory is not taught in public schools and remains a complex law school and graduate school subject well beyond the scope of a K-12 class.” Tuned-in parents know CRT is taught in public schools but that it has simply been renamed “ethnic studies.” Just ask the teachers’ union.

Like a good little leftist, Garcia throws in the obligatory placation for free speech. “Local school board members want to hear from their communities on important issues,” claims Garcia. “However, there also must be safeguards in place to protect public schools and dedicated education leaders as they do their jobs.” However, also like the left, everything she writes afterward negates that placation. You see, free speech is all well and good until parents don’t agree with the job the school board is doing; then it’s time to sic the feds on them for speaking up while labeling that speech “threats” and “violence.”

“Now, we ask that the federal government investigate, intercept, and prevent the current threats and acts of violence against our public school officials,” writes Garcia, “through existing statutes, executive authority, interagency and intergovernmental task forces, and other extraordinary measures to ensure the safety of our children and educators, to protect interstate commerce, and to preserve public school infrastructure and campuses.” Calling for the federal government to use vague “other extraordinary measures” to “investigate” parents sounds pretty intimidating and threatening to me, Ms. Garcia.
You're not that important, ho, Ms Garcia, to warrant that kind of "protection."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Then we have this idiot who is running for Governor of Virginia who flat out stated in a debate that Parent should not have a say in what their kids are taught.

I suppose we will see how many agrees with him when the election is over.

He's going to win that election, you watch and see. VA has gone to the dark side.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
That’s depressing to.

Virginia was my escape plan.

The problem is that most states have major metro areas that attract scumbags and dipshits. The key is to find a big enough state where the rest of the population dilutes the cities, or one where they have no big cities. Unfortunately Marxism is an insidious cancer that feeds on itself and replicates, destroying not only everything around it but sending out envoys to destroy other systems.

I think in our lifetime we will see both Texas and Florida "turn" blue. And "turn" is in quotes because it will be through book cooking and chicanery rather than an organic development. This last "election" has made me fear that fair and honest elections are a thing of the past.


Well-Known Member
The problem is that most states have major metro areas that attract scumbags and dipshits. The key is to find a big enough state where the rest of the population dilutes the cities, or one where they have no big cities. Unfortunately Marxism is an insidious cancer that feeds on itself and replicates, destroying not only everything around it but sending out envoys to destroy other systems.

I think in our lifetime we will see both Texas and Florida "turn" blue. And "turn" is in quotes because it will be through book cooking and chicanery rather than an organic development. This last "election" has made me fear that fair and honest elections are a thing of the past.

A lot of Blue Yankees are moving to these States, that is what is turning them Blue.
That and those moving out of California to Texas and Arizona.
It's like a cancer.


PREMO Member
Virginia was my escape plan.

VA has been going Blue for 25 yrs .. there are plenty of RED Counties To move to .. but you have to deal with the gun grabbers in Richmond

at least Red County Sheriffs told Richmond to fuk off RE Gun Bans or grabbing
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Just sneakin' around....
Attorney General Merrick Garland ordered the FBI on Monday to begin investigating a recent spike in “harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence” against school administrators.
Along with this is a new TicToc challenge: slap a teacher. You're supposed to slap a teacher in the back of the head and run away before being caught.
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Well-Known Member
Of course they can't handle We The People standing up for our children's rights because they're Cowards! They thought we'd be submissive little slaves like they are. They were wrong!
Btw, here's a screenshot of how much the St. Mary's county school district got paid to enforce the muzzle mandate on our children! The site was quickly taken down after it was leaked.
I wonder who's lining their pockets with the $2,227.55 per student?


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Well-Known Member
Of course they can't handle We The People standing up for our children's rights because they're Cowards! They thought we'd be submissive little slaves like they are. They were wrong!
Btw, here's a screenshot of how much the St. Mary's county school district got paid to enforce the muzzle mandate on our children! The site was quickly taken down after it was leaked.
I wonder who's lining their pockets with the $2,227.55 per student?

Something doesn't pass the smell test here. Why would it cost 3X more per student in Somerset County? Are the kids triple-masking in that county?