School bus


I have lived in many places and I must say SOMD is the first place where school busses pay attention to traffic. I see them pulling off the street to pick up without lights, waiting to let the bulk of cars pass before lighting up. Maine was not very good but was by far better than Georgia. In GA the bus stops every 15 feet. The kids do not walk to a central bus stop, the bus will litterally drive from house to house, 10-30 feet at a time. To compound this the kids do not watch and head out when they see the bus, they wait inside until the bus stops and turns on the lights. Only then will they shuffle out one at a time and pimp down the driveway as slowly as possible backing traffic up.

Props to SOMD


Happy Camper!
Originally posted by Pete
the kids do not watch and head out when they see the bus, they wait inside until the bus stops and turns on the lights.

Heck, they better be glad I'm not a bus driver, if you aren't at the end of your driveway or the designated stop, I'm wouldn’t stop for ya!


Not dead yet.
Caught me by surprise this morning that a school bus stops and blocks rte 4 in AA county at 7:30am. Right when traffic is just rolling at 65-70mph somebody put a school bus stop out there! Somebody is gonna die unless they change that one! I wonder why they don't just make the turn off of 4 onto a side street to pick up the kids?


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by tlatchaw
Caught me by surprise this morning that a school bus stops and blocks rte 4 in AA county at 7:30am. Right when traffic is just rolling at 65-70mph somebody put a school bus stop out there! Somebody is gonna die unless they change that one! I wonder why they don't just make the turn off of 4 onto a side street to pick up the kids?

Probably just past 260 in the north bound side of rte. 4, right after you enter the "tunnel". No shoulder, small up and down hills, limited vision...Yep, thats been a major accident waiting to happen for years now.


Well-Known Member
Nah, I swear, in the Ranch Club the buses, in some areas stop about every two or three houses - and WAIT FOR THE KID TO COME OUT THE DOOR!! And how I wish they'd pick them up and drop them off differently. Right now they drive way into the Ranch Club and pick them up on the way OUT, thus maximizing the amount of commuter traffic behind them, because then they're stuck behind them for every stop until they get out. If they picked up kids the OTHER way - going in - you'd only have to wait ONCE - because you'd be going the other way. Makes sense, right?

Well that's the way they drop them OFF. You know - when people are coming *home*. Thus maximizing the traffic behind the bus going the other way, at the end of the day.



Not dead yet.
You got it Otter. Never heard of that stretch being called the "tunnel" before, but that's effectively what it is. I wonder if the county transportation people would listen to a commuter whose kid is not on that bus? That approach might work on the post about Ranch Club too.


New Member
Originally posted by tlatchaw
I wonder if the county transportation people...

State road, therefore need to talk to State transportation people (or the politicians that control where the State transportation money goes).

Only way to find out is make a little noise!