school lunch threat?



I would think that any terrorist's biotoxins would be over run and killed by the biotoxins already in school cafeteria food. But on a serious note, I think that most terrorist handbooks have been updated with a para or two saying "unless you're almost dead yourself, or want to become a martyr very quickly, do not target kids. The Yanquizs will get even with you."


professional daydreamer
She offered no evidence of specific threats to school lunches.

The article says the school lunches are vulnerable. Not that they have been threatened. The article is about taking precautions.


those threats urk me more then anything....

like the news reports that say"this mass transit tunnel is never guarded and is a high risk area for terrorists attacks"

to me thats the same as: "hey terrorists; if you go right in here where I'm standing taping this news segment there are no guards and you could kill hundreds-good luck" :yay:


New Member
I just wanna know if our school system is prepared for something like this and what are their plans?


nomoney said:
those threats urk me more then anything....

like the news reports that say"this mass transit tunnel is never guarded and is a high risk area for terrorists attacks"

to me thats the same as: "hey terrorists; if you go right in here where I'm standing taping this news segment there are no guards and you could kill hundreds-good luck" :yay:

Exactly :yay:

Come and poison our school lunches.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Terrorist 1 (Jalil)-Achmed, we are running out of ideas on how we can hurt the American devils!

Achmed-"Well I saw this item about school lunches on their mind control boxes."

Jalil-"BRILLIANT!, They keep giving us the best ideas! Those fools."
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curiouser and curiouser
trisha said:
I just wanna know if our school system is prepared for something like this and what are their plans?
Then you should probably contact the school board. :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Love the easy ones...

trisha said:
I just wanna know if our school system is prepared for something like this and what are their plans?

No and none, which as it should be.

If schools systems struggle, and they do, to teach children, their primary function, with varying degrees of success, why, oh why would we exect them to become expert in the field of bio terror defense?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...Vrai JUST woke and fixed the problem in two seconds; she's that good.

Official Royal tasters for all.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Here's the thing, Trisha: you can't protect the public from every single thing that can happen and still maintain a free society. Kids getting anthrax in their school lunches is such a remote possiblity that it's not worth worrying about. And no matter what precautions you take, some enterprising criminal will find a way around it, so you might as well just go about your life and realize that the odds are drastically on your side that your kid will grow to adulthood without incident.

This is the road to slavery and fascism. Some remote threat gets played up to be a bigger deal than what it is, and people flock to their government to "protect" them. So government makes stricter and stricter laws to curtail our freedoms, and pretty soon we're these people huddling in our basements waiting for instructions from Big Brother.

Simple solution: pack your kid's lunch. :yay:


I'm sure the organized terrorists have an extensive listing of targets which are susceptible to attacks. That listing was probably started YEARS ago. And I'm sure school lunches have been thought of. Along with every other imaginable thing out there.

Just the news media trying to make a buck.


Pitty Party
dustin said:
I'm sure the organized terrorists have an extensive listing of targets which are susceptible to attacks. That listing was probably started YEARS ago. And I'm sure school lunches have been thought of. Along with every other imaginable thing out there.

Just the news media trying to make a buck.


You know how fkg Nieve we are? :sarcasm:


unixpirate said:

You know how fkg Nieve we are? :sarcasm:
We've got to be breaking at least ten of Sun Tzu's rules by underestimating some of their capabilities. But at the same time overestimating in others.