Schooling jumper show canceled! :(


New Member
Schooling jumper show CANCELED...again :)

The 11/29 jumper show is canceled!

November 29th is the new date! Took me a few days to get a hold of KL and make sure we could reserve the park for the 29th. Please let me know if you can make it. Trying to get a basic headcount. Send in those Pre Entries!!:yahoo:
I did find out that the park has been winterized so no water for the horses. We will try to have some extra but please bring water for the horses! Start time has been moved to 10:30 due to the park opening later. Good for the ones who don't feel like getting up so early!
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if you delete this now then no one will see it and we can resume the show! :whistle:
No chance of rain on Sunday. After watching an entire IHSA Hunter and Jumper show in the pooring rain, I feel like we can still make this happen.


New Member
I would love to still have the show but it was Kings Landing's call. They said no go. He said the ring was pretty flooded and so was the parking area. Dont think we'd want people gettin stuck either.
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