Well-Known Member
Agree. My thoughts on looking at it is to see how science/archeology agrees/disagrees with the Bible, or any other tenets of other religions. If the science agrees with the events/writings, or cannot disprove said teachings, then there is a really good chance that any God referred to exist.
Does that make sense?
Should it matter to the faithful? Why would the faithful care whether their religious beliefs are supported by science or not?
I think that's why the video doesn't suggest anything like that. It suggests that the probability of life, the universe, and everything is very very very very low. An intelligent source is simply explained as not "a crazy magician in the sky", or whatever atheists are saying these days, but that there is a good likelihood something like that could be true.It is un-scientific to suggest at this point that science disproves god(s). It might be convenient or easy or fits with ones philosophy to argue for or against god(s) but it's not scientific to say it proves or disproves.
We believe by faith. Just makes it a more fun, in a caring, not gloating way, of displaying to the skeptics and unbelieving of why they should rethink their positions about not believing.
After all, God will have the final say.
I think most Christians have doubts about the existence of God; even if they don't admit it.
Intelligent people tend to question their beliefs. Only the incredibly stupid are sure of themselves.