Science finds out how women want us to dance


Lawful neutral

A group of evolutionary biologists looked at the science of bump and grind, and say they have figured out exactly which dance movements catch a woman's eye.

Researchers at Northumbria University and the University of Gottingen wanted to know what women look for in a dancing partner, since "dancing ability, particularly that of men, may serve as a signal of mate quality." But isolating specific dance moves is difficult - facial attractiveness, body shape and even perceived socioeconomic status play a role in how people judge the dancing ability of their peers.



Well-Known Member
While the Bad Dancer is so awful, it doesn't even count as dance - which is why it looks like the way most guys dance --

The Good Dancer is so ridiculous, the only way it catches a woman's eye is either for a laugh - or to get an idea.
Because I can't believe any woman would want a man who dances like that.


Active Member
While the Bad Dancer is so awful, it doesn't even count as dance - which is why it looks like the way most guys dance --

The Good Dancer is so ridiculous, the only way it catches a woman's eye is either for a laugh - or to get an idea.
Because I can't believe any woman would want a man who dances like that.[/

Yeah, that.
Who are these women that like that? The emasculating ones who like the metrosexual dudes?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The only guys I know who dance like #1 are gay. Don't get me wrong, they're way more fun to hang out with than hetero guys but you're not going to get any whoopie at the end of the night.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
One click leads to another and we find this;

I've changed my mind. We need to send in the troops and rescue those poor, freedom starved patriots!