Science says eat bacon and catch the cancer


Lawful neutral

Processed meats - such as bacon, sausages and ham - do cause cancer, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

It has now placed processed meat in the same category as plutonium, but also alcohol as they definitely do cause cancer.


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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Being alive causes cancer. So the cure to cancer is nobody being alive.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Being alive causes cancer. So the cure to cancer is nobody being alive.

^This^ What better way to control the population than to tell them they're going to die or get a horrible disease? Almost as good as religion.

I think it's safe to say that 100% of people who get cancer engage in at least one of the supposedly cancer-causing behaviors. What they don't report is that 100% of the people who *don't* get cancer engage in at least one of those behaviors as well.


PREMO Member
the only way Saracen caused cancer in Lab rats was to feed them the equivalent of 5 lb s a day for years


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I do think it's wrong to post pics of bacon seeds and make me feel guilty. By the time I eat them, they don't look like that anymore.


Lawful neutral
I don’t think you should feel guilty at all. :shrug:

Science said those death infested bacon seeds are carriers of the butt cancer.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Folks, we're missing a HUGE word here; PROCESSED.

Not pork. Not sausage. Not bacon. PROCESSED pork. PROCESSED sausage and bacon.

Food used to be work. There was no getting around the time and labor that went into food. Industrialized food has allowed us NOT to feed the masses but to feed the masses in such a way as to consolidate the wealth. Everything someone else does for you comes at reduced care FOR you by simple removal of connection TO you. Point being the mass production of food is NOT about you or your health. It's about someone elses wealth at the lowest possible cost in terms of YOUR health. That means the chemicals used, the process's, the endless impacts on your food before you get it.

So, processed. That's the key word here.