Science says smelling farts is good for your health


Lawful neutral

The next time someone at your office lets out a "silent but deadly" emission, maybe you should thank them. A new study at the University of Exeter in England suggests that exposure to hydrogen sulfide — a.k.a. what your body produces as bacteria breaks down food, causing gas — could prevent mitochondria damage. Yep, the implication is what you're thinking: People are taking the research to mean that smelling farts could prevent disease and even cancer.
England suggests that exposure to hydrogen sulfide — a.k.a. what your body produces as bacteria breaks down food, causing gas — could prevent mitochondria damage.

At least the midochlorians are safe.



Oldie w/newbie name
My husband and I should have fantastic health then. I am expecting, as a result of this new study and husband's new found love of gassy foods, my cancer will be mysteriously GONE come next months blood work.

the kids and dogs are none too happy. But now, maybe the moochers will move out and support themselves.