Science says:Tick bites can lead to meat allergies


Lawful neutral

"We found three cases in 2009. Now we have almost 50 patients where we have noticed meat allergy is connected to tick bites," Maria Starkhammar at Stockholm's Södersjukhuset Hospital told the Dagens Nyheter newspaper.

Almost half of those patients have also been hit by anaphylaxis - an allergic reaction that brings on symptoms such as rashes, swelling of the throat, low blood pressure, and can even lead to death.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Very real and it happened to me. Never had hives in my life, ate a burger, and was in the ER several hours later covered in huge welts from hives and downing massive amounts of steroids to counteract. Had several more reactions when eating beef over the next few years, but the reaction became lesser and lesser. Lots of good information in this article:

Love Red Meat? Watch Out for Ticks. -

The good news:

The good news is that the allergic reaction seems to fade after a few years in some sufferers if they avoid additional tick bites.

I have and it has. Haven't had a reaction of red meat products in over a year now. :yay: